On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

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On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Farvel on Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:14 am

Today I am quite pissed. Not naming names here, because I think the principle of the thing is what's important, rather than the specific people involved, but I am not a happy bunny right now. :evil:

Ok, so a few days ago, my thief character robbed a shop, and in accordance with dice rolls, left some incriminating evidence. It took me a few days of constant OOC nagging, which is normal as RL is a bitch, but I finally managed today to get an IG available to RP the capturing, and again in accordance with rolls, she was sentenced to 3 days in the slave poles at the inn.

All fun and games, right? Three days of uninterrupted rape fun, right?

Wrong! Within 5 minutes there was already a character in the inn talking to her and offering to free her, without any prior communication to see if that is what I, as a player, wanted. I had to have my character totally ignore that and pretend not to hear the question, because to do anything else would completely break immersion, as ICly, my character would of course ask to be freed, but OOCly I did not want that!

Sometime later a second character entered the inn and simply jumps in and, even worse than the first, outright tries to free my character. Just like that, without any OOC communication again! And when I whined about it, the justification was simply,
Well I figured you'd be bored just sitting there on poles all day,

In the meantime, I was in PM discussing a rape scene with another player, who at this moment steps in ICly and prevents the freeing, then procceeds to abuse my character, like we had just been discussing in PM. While this scene is being played, that player suddenly gets the dreaded "Ping Timeout", and while I'm sitting there in the chat with the paused rape scene waiting to see if the player comes back, that second character, together with a third (not counting the rapist) again go and try to free my character, totally ignoring the fact that she was currently on the process of being raped in a scene I was waiting to continue! And again, no OOC communication from either to see if that is what I, as a player, wanted!

This is NOT okay! [-X Since some people appear to have trouble understanding the game rules, let me make it clear:

If a character is currently being abused, or even simply tied up somewhere waiting for abuse, the player has consented to that scene (either openly, or by the implied consent rules). The player has agreed to that scene and wants it to happen, and very very VERY likely does not wish to be freed unless OOCly is asking for it. They want to experience having their character bound helpless and subject to mistreatment, because it is something that they, as players, enjoy.

Is is NOT okay to simply go and free that character, much less interfere with a rape scene in progress, without first talking OOCly with the victim's player to see if that is truly what they want for their character. Do not "figure". Do not "assume". Simply ask!
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Infernis on Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:16 am

The only thing I can suggest is to simply PM the would-be rescuers and let them know that you're fine where you are.

Some people want to be the hero. It's a natural instinct.

What's important is that we just calmly inform them of your wants and for them to acknowledge it. If you do your part and they don't do their part, that's when the OPs get involved.
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Kooky on Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:02 am

This is true.

There is an ooc rule about unwarranted interventions.. However, unwarranted is subject to interpretation. If a character calls for help or it is an outright public spectacle, characters may react.

It's always best to PM.. because even if you're finding excuses for your character to "get caught" or otherwise get raped and playing them out, other players may not pick up on this, and just think it's for the drama of play rather than for the scene you wish to unfold for your character.

That said, if a player is having their character do something clumsy or stupid, they ARE willing to oocly accept the consequences of such. So let it play out, find a reason for your character to either no longer intervene or not intervene at all. If you're unsure, PM them or in OOC poke them and tell them your character wants to help, see if it's okay. If there's no OOC communication, just take the hint when their character keeps getting into trouble.

I just had this sort of venture recently happen xD
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Cayenne on Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:34 pm

I think it would be wrong to say that the characters people are making do not fit within the game. More than a few new people I've spoken to are not interested in one aspect or another of the games core components, and bring with them modern sensibilities to apply to their choices.

It is frustrating indeed for people playing to the core of the game to constantly run into individuals so anti-establishment, but one can't force people to play in such a way that they are uncomfortable with.

That said, any player of whom has characters opposed to the game, and is willing to accept the consequences ICly for their IC reactions gets a pass from me. Sometimes people are crazy, and sometimes those crazy people get dealt with.

For instance, informing them OOCly that you were put there by the Imperials, and removal before the date in question would be breaking the law and their character may end up in a similar situation. Or even, if it was just some evil doer, that if caught again and questioned said person might come for them as well.

That said, if this is OOCly where you want to be with your character, and do not want to be removed - than people should be accepting that and letting you have the fun that you've found yourself in.

Though, If someone is squeamish about watching something that is common place within the game, they might want to consider finding somewhere else to be.

Just some thoughts.
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Farvel on Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:12 pm

Cayenne wrote:That said, any player of whom has characters opposed to the game, and is willing to accept the consequences ICly for their IC reactions gets a pass from me. Sometimes people are crazy, and sometimes those crazy people get dealt with.

I do not care how people choose to play their characters, if they want to play white knights who despise everything the Empire stands for, all power to them.

I do however care when people think that gives them the right to interfere in scenes I'm currently playing and having fun at with no prior OOC communication, and then get all offended (to the point of victimization and emotional blackmail) when I complain about it.

That's what my rant was about, but anyway it's a dead issue now.
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:20 pm

It is an interesting one this one.

I'll start by saying Farvel's pretty right in that, if you have a char on the poles they may well be there because you want them there - and so asking via PM doesn't exactly hurt now does it? That of course goes for so many other things too.

That aside, other than agreeing with Farvel that the other players should have asked (and certainly shouldn't have interupted a rape scene, especially in the Inn where you are greeted every time you enter the room with Unwarranted intrusion in rape/slave scenes will earn a temp ban) I can see why players -would- try to release other players.

All my gals have been on the poles as a result of IC consequences and whatnot - and I try to get them off there asap! Don't get me wrong, if I can't, I accept it - but so far I always have. In fact that is part of the fun of it for me. Can I get them away scot free? So I wouldn't condemn someone wanting to free someone from the poles outright, in fact they could have good IC reasons for wanting to do so of course.

But it does once again underline the old saw of "communication, communication, communication"
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:57 pm

Whether interference in public is a grey area which common sense says needs OOC contact, or not, interfering with IG activities will bring serious IC consequences. It's no use arguing about that. The rules are clear and the character doing it has given implied consent to whatever the IG want to do with that character.
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Balard on Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:53 am

I saw part of the argument spill ooc i believe and yes if i had known at the time that they were trying to circumvent the IGs punishment i would have had them up next to you as punishment for trying to break you free.

I will put it in IG section of forums and announce it ooc that anyone trying to free/assist someone from a IG punishment then they too will be put up next to them as punishment.
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Re: On OOC consent, and trying to be a hero

Postby Wadeywade on Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:49 pm

well... Don’t I have alot to say here!
as someone who possesses said instincts, as Infernis pointed out, they dont always kick in..
perhaps because my character is a huge believer in karma, perhaps because Im a big believer in karma.

this is what I saw..
woman steals. woman gets caught. woman gets sent to the poles. so far, so good..
(oocly conversations are had about rape consent being given)
scene commences after a bit of trouble over what will occur..

see, I would have at least waited till the rape scene was over, gone over and ASKED. it never hurts to ask a person if they want their character there. I inadveratently did this waaaaaaay back when I first started here.. its a simple mistake for a newbie to make.. but theres no excuse for old hands doing it.

lets be honest, how many rape scenes have you guys ever seen me do? i can tell you how many Ive done.. two. do I not approve of the idea? doesnt matter how I feel if Im not in that scene.. i mean, literally, have a character involved.. if not. Im outtie. I can go blow up NPCs in the forest if Im bpfeelin heroic, and nobody complains! win-win.
which brings me to my next point. if someone ‘wants to be a hero’ theres other places and ways to do it instead of screwing with one of the games main thematics.
thats just this ol windbags two cents.
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