June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

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June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Tehya on Tue Jun 05, 2018 7:28 pm

This week's topic is "Fear" all entries should be original, and feel free to enter Art, Stories, Poems, and Photography.

After 14 days there will be a posting to vote. So come back and vote on entries. A prize of mhl will be given to the winner.
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Re: June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Ehlanna on Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:26 pm

My go:https://orig00.deviantart.net/1db3/f/2018/158/3/3/fear_by_ehlannaf-dcdpxzk.jpgImage

*click link above for full-size (2000x2000) version*
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Re: June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Twerlinger on Thu Jun 07, 2018 10:55 pm

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Re: June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:50 pm


This got me a 24 hour ban on facebook :D
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Sakkara on Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:52 pm


I don't know whats scarier, that the McDonald's of the future is rat meat, or that they need to serve it as close to the outhouse as they can.
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Re: June 5th Topic is "Fear" Voting after all entries

Postby Sorgram on Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:48 am

Thump! The door had been struck. I wonder what it could have been. there are no trees outside. No loose boards.I had just check this morning. After last night, I had to make sure. I spent much of the day refastening boards loosened by the previous nights squall. tonight, more wind and rain.

Thump! The roof, now what. Was itpossibly hail? Why has I chosed to rent a house on the coast. In early winter. In New England? What was a tried and true southern boy doing in New England, Fall dying away as winter set on. No, I was born to the hot summerns and mild winters of Central Texas, but here I was 'vacationing' on a writing sabbatical, trying to publish my first book, perhaps only book, in gods forsaken coatal New England near winter.
Thump! The roof again. Was something out there? Was I going to look? Sure as Hell is air temperate compared to Texas summers, I was not. No...not after what I saw last night. I was not moving from my bed. Besides, i did not have the proper clothing for such an adventure. heavy jacket my brisket eating ass. Walmart was going to get a letter on that. all weather coat. Fleece lined and polyester filled water proof, my ass it was. the wind took a knife to it and shred it all to tatters, polyester lining bleeding from the wounds. I never moved so fast to complete a repair job in my life.
Thump! Dammit.. that was at the back window. What could it be? Was someone throwing rocks at the house to annoy me? WErethey trying to scare me. 'It is not going to work...' I yelled to the culprit..culprits? and yes it was working. I know we Texans have a reputation for being tough as nails bastards who eat jalapenos, fart fire and can butcher a cow, while drinking budweiser and commenting on the sad state of the Cowboys offensive line, all during a rerun of Dallas, but that was never me. I am the closet intellectual, born in the Hill Country, fighting to maintain southern beliefs in an ever growing Hippie domintated state capital.
Thump! I should go look out the window.. see what I can see. Perhaps it is nothing. Perhaps someone is hurt and needs help. Perhaps...hell.. what stupid asshole is out driving in this. In Texas, we know if the sky is green to head for shelter. I am certain the yankees up here has similar thoughts and beliefs as well. If the wind is squalling, your nets should not be haulin. Or something nautical like that. next time, when I want to get away and eath cheap snow crab legs, I am gonna pony up and have them overnighted from Boston. that is what I should have done. but know I wanted to get away and did not feel like an Aisstream in the desert, a lazy canoe ride in Deliverence country or a campsite in the Upper Northwest. No I chose eery coastal Maine for a retreat. Stupid.Stupid. Stupid. Nextime, 'Hello Sasquatch'
Thump! Rattle! Was there a back door? Was that the front door? I dont remember..i dont know. Should I look. No.. you look. you die. that is how all the movies have it happening. I am safe as long as I dont look. Nothing can get me uner these three blanket, two sheets and a comforter. I have an Iron shield. if only I had a chainsaw. No that means I would have to loose a demonically possess hand and thankfully I am short one of those at the moment. no, I dont mean i am short a hand.. just a demonically possessed one. How does the rosary go.. I dont know. I am not catholic. Or Jewish. I am what you call a lackidaisical christian. i believe but am not all that righteous. Lord, I promise if I make it out of here.... Amen. he can read my mind. dont want to speak out loud in case that angers someone..er..thing.
Thump! Closer now...was it the door or Inside?! Not going to look. I should have believed them when they said it all started at the sea. No i had to drum my own beat. I had to get awat and I chose the place that was farthest from what I knew and what I feared. But did I know thatI would find some fear more primal than i had known before. No! I assumed. Ass out of Me that is certain. I thought the sea was safe. That it was all bunk what they said. The creatures of nightmares coming from the seas. They wanted me to go to the deserts. Said we would be safe there. Said there would be no way that they could get to me there. I learned fear in the deserts of West Texas...the chupacabra is real. Who knew that the Old gods were too?
Thump! Plop! Squish. Plop! Squish. I never wantsushi again. I will give up shrimp and crabs. I swear.. no more. I will become vegan. maybe just eat mushrooms.. but that will probably anger some thing as well. I am screwed. I will not cry. I will not cry. i will not ...ok I will cry. I am probably going to do more. but I will just cry for now. i am not going to look. I am not going to. I know what will happen if I look. I will got insane or I will die. I am not going to look.
Plop! Squish!. Thump! that's wierd. Is it moving away. I am still not going to look. I promise myself. I am just going to sleep. yeah. That is best. I dont want to look. No.. I wont. Maybe...just.. a peek. No. I am going to peek. I just have to peek. I have ot know. I am lifting the covers. I am going to look. No. I drop the covers. i wont look. It is best this way. go to sleep. dont look. wake up and it will be over.. the dream will be over.
Snore. I sleep. It is frightful. I dream of a red sky. I dream of broken strutures. I dream of a Yellow eye. i dont sleep. Not well. I try to wake up. I dont. I hear something. Cthulhu R'lyeh fhtagn. I dont know what it means. I only know that it scares me. I mean really scares me. I hope that it is only a dream. I know that it isnt. I still hope though. I pray I am wrong. the words continue. Cthulhu R'lyeh na-fhtagn. Nog Cthilhu. These words scare me and I jerk awake. I have thrown off the covered and am blinded by a red orange light. I cannot see. I blink several times to clear my vison. I clear them and then I look again. I recognize the bed. i recognize the cabin. Nothing is wrong here. I turn slowly to look out the window. I see blue sky. the yellow sun is coming up. I sigh in relief. I am ok. It was all a dream. I turn. I really have to pee. I go to put my feet down and stand up.
Squish. Thump. AAAAAAHHHHHH. There is water or is it slime on the floor. It leads to the back door. I need a mop. I no longer have to pee.
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