A collective of sorts for events and stuff

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A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Akaton on Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:49 pm

Ok so my tournament just ended and I handed out by far the most amount of mhl and things of any event probably this year. The same is probably true over the past two years as well that I have run my tournament. Its because I go and IC ask and get people to donate. Ive had people in the past ask how I get so much. A lot is IC relationships and IC attitude of Zully. He has no pride holding him back from asking for handouts. But for newer players who aren't as Ingrained with a bunch of people. They dont.

So here I propose this. A collective here of people willing to donate to quests and events for mhl support. So personal people, nobles, and shop managers who will offer support please post here that you are willing to do such. That way theres a starting point for people to see this and have somewhere to start when looking to get support for their event.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Vladimir on Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:57 pm

That'd be neat. Most of Kain's accumulated MHL has gone to quest rewards over the years, and as I don't do work logs it's drained him him pretty dry. Would be neat if those who have more mehrial than they can spend started up a 'quest-fund', but there would be an issue with access too it I wager, given not all quests/events are equal. It'd be tricky decide who gets what and why.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Amara on Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:00 pm

OOCly - I love helping out when asked! :D

Places Amara can hook you up with loot:
Apothecary (when Twerly isn't looking! :P )

Places Amara can donate cash from:
Herself - if she really likes you. :wink:

Bathing House
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Akaton on Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:09 pm

Kain thats the idea. Im envisioning ICly an account at the bank as wellmuts a bank. That people could donate to and the account holds funds. And it would be something anyone could donate to, but only like QT could have acres to withdrawal from. I'm sure the brilliant mind of Ehlanna could come up with coding to make it work, but I really want to show that there are enough willing to donate to this thing to make it worth anyone's time to implement it into a real thing. But even if it never becomes an IC thing. I'd atleast like to give people a list of people and hand places willing to donate IC so they have a starting point of who to seek out IC.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby miyuka on Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:10 pm

I don't really see that being a thing here In my honest opinion. Some kind of donation bank fund? For one thing most quest will have their own reward attatched to them and wouldn't really fit within the guise of someone going around asking for handouts or having this donation bank set up in the first place. For things like tournaments, goign around and asking for people to help sponsor it through donations is the way to go ICly. OOCly knowing who's willing to donate is fine, so long as the interactions happen ICly. Miyuka is certainly willing to donate but what she donates to can change on a whim, depending on the IC interaction. She's an airmage, after all.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Vladimir on Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:18 am

I know when I've used personal character funds to finance quest rewards it's all been done OOC, as the quest rewards were played out as items looted from or gifted by NPC's. Correct me if I'm wrong Zully, but I don't think such a 'fund' as he suggests would be an IC deal. There are obviously events such as tourneys, parties, festivals, etc. where IC petitions for donations are perfectly reasonable, but in quests that don't involve player-characters outside of the questers participating, loot drops sponsored by player-characters IC is more than a little wonky.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby miyuka on Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:50 am

That's something that the quest team deals with. Having a large fund OOCly for people to donate to for quest is just messy. We have a payout option and if I'm not mistaken, quest have a certain amount of payout funds they can go up to. And yes, IC donations for a regular quest doesn't make sense. An OOC donation fund seems needlessly complicated. Who would hold onto the donated money? How much should one allocate to each quest? What happens if there's a lot of quest in a given time and the funding gets reduced? I feel like it'd just be better to keep things simple and stick to the payout system and let the quest team/quest runners determine the amount (if any). For tournaments, continuing to ask for handouts is fine.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Tehya on Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:56 pm

I have used Tehya's money for most of my events in the past, now Creative Challenges comes from the ops as SB has told me to do.

Being on the quest team I know there is a set amount and it has to be approved. it would be kind of unfair if each quest payout came from a fund and say Layla's quest hands out 600 mhl and Larry hands out 100. That would make Larry a cheapskate and most would go to Layla's quests in the future.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Shiho on Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:23 pm

Of course I can appreciate people that are willing to donate money for causes that improve and generate further activity. Maybe quests are not the right goal for the funds, as there already is a fixed amount available to each quest.

(mini)events, tournaments and storylines might benefit highly from a fund to pay for things and to honour those that deserve the highlight for a moment, whether they are gladiators competing in a tournament or healers that put their time and effort into their work (and many different and similar people).
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby Menhir on Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:13 pm

Not certain if I read this somewhere or am just making it up off the top of my head... But isn't it 'canon' that the typical 'Citizen' of Nanthalion make around 10 mhl a -year-, and we 'Adventurers' automagically 'earn' 20mhl a month...

A reward like Zully's 9k for first place prize, is literally enough for that person to never thematically have to work a day in their life again.

just putting that out there.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby miyuka on Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:00 pm

yes menhir the 9k from a tourny is cannoically a metric shit ton when compared to the average citizen though I'm not sure if the 10 a year is quite right.
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Re: A collective of sorts for events and stuff

Postby L`aquera on Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:18 am

20 a month for existing to keep the poor off the streets and the Empire looking the rich state it is but not so rich we just hand out bread every hour but then again, you have the Inn for that and your Imagination! (insert rainbow hopping unicorn here)
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