Amethine's Town Home Floorplan [Plot ITZZ]

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Amethine's Town Home Floorplan [Plot ITZZ]

Postby Amethine on Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:02 pm

So, Amethine has found herself in possession of a Town Plot. Naturally, she had to have a home commissioned on it! And an acre is no small amount of land, so Amethine sprung for the biggest available house she could get!
Bear in mind that Amethine isn't exactly advertising that this is her house, but if it ever becomes relevant, then this is here!
The models and such are largely placeholder since there's not exactly a "medieval fantasy floorplanner" program out there, so take with a grain of salt!

It took me a while, but I've now finished the floorplans for the house.

What took the most time? The 3D renders!

Click here to use the Ground Floor Interactive Floorplan

Hi-res images on: Imgur

Click here to use the Upper Floor Interactive Floorplan

Hi-res images on: Imgur

Click here to use the Basement Floor Interactive Floorplan

Hi-res images on: Imgur

I might make more floorplans in the future like this, but dang do they take a while!
It might seem a bit spacious, but you have to remember that this house is designed for a catgirl, human, fae, raven, large bee, cat, 1000lbs pig, 3 mephos, windwalker AND guests. Plus 1 acre of land is like, REAL big. Bigger than I thought when I first started and was too lazy to shrink the floorplan down to a more reasonable size. SO THERE.

IC Descriptions:

Neighborhood: Located on the Eastern edge of Nanthalion, across the bridge over the river; Amethine's home is just North past a few other buildings slightly off the road. A public barn is situated at the other road on the south side where Amethine has a few stables rented out. The residential neighborhood, being near the outskirts is a bit more lawless and wild. Rapings and muggings slightly less common here than you might find in the city proper if only because of a lower concentration of people, but you're more likely to be glanced suspiciously at in these parts. But so long as you don't make a deliberate effort to stare someone down, or look too much like a juicy target, then walking about here should be largely uneventful.

Overall: The house is surrounded by a 5ft fence that offers privacy unless peeked over, the land outside not quite as grassy as the outside fields and forests, yet still better kept that the rest of Nanthalion. Fairly new red brick for walls with a slanted, blue slate roof, a couple of trees and flowers make this home modestly simple yet decently spacious within. The outside is remarkably unimpressive, by design, an understated abode to avoid drawing attention. It's just one of the many buildings seen in this part of town, with the 1acre plot largely dominated by the house itself. The floors are made of sturdy floorboards, naturally a few of them creak and learning which ones don't creak or how much pressure can be applied before they creak takes great care and practice, and a light foot. The house is littered with sconces along all the walls to provide enough light where the windows are insufficient, and most rooms are decorated rather simply with colored walls. Above virtually every door there is a square hole so that small flying creatures can navigate the house easily, most often used by a Raven familiar, large Bee familiar and a Fae (who follows about so much she might as well be a Faemiliar).

Ground Floor:
Entrance: The entrance contains a strange addition, a bed with some cabinets and a wardrobe. It might seem that someone mistook the entryway for a bedroom but Amethine maintains that it's by design. If someone is on the brink of death with no time to get to the Healing House, she keeps emergency supplies at her own home, and so that bed is for those few rare times when time really is of the essence. Plus it's quite handy to flop on after a long day, and the pets/familiars like to play about with it too!

Foyer: The foyer is just like any other foyer really, somewhere to have someone wait if they require business with someone in the house, without actually letting them see the rest of it. A couple of chairs to sit and relax on, tables and sideboards, nothing out of the ordinary really.

Hallway: The hallway is quite long in a L pattern, and wide enough that two people could walk by each other without having to adjust much. All the other rooms of the house are attached to this central hallway, the stairs to the south with a small round window on the far south wall letting in sunlight (or moonlight), with the door leading to the back garden at the far north.

Living Room: No windows, but plenty of candles and torches to provide ample light. There is a fireplace, bookcases, shelves and cabinets lining the walls with a couple of pallets with hay piles for the pets and animals to rest or play with. A seating area with a large rug is on the south side for chatting or perhaps some impromptu entertainment, with another couch and coffee table at the fireplace to relax in. A square table with plenty of chairs sits on the other side of the living room, ready for having meetings, or sitting to chat or a snack or even playing games. On the West wall is a peculiar protrusion, a 1m by 1m area where the walls come out, with tiny holes at the top. Enough room for a Fae to flit in and out of easily enough. Three doors lead out of the room, North and East lead back to the hallway and South leads into the library.

Library: Spacious and well-lit, the room is lined with bookcases with a rather spartan collection of books, mostly Healing or Alchemical in nature, though a couple of fiction works can be found as well, mostly what Amethine's managed to scrounge up over time. The room has ample seating and tables for multiple people to read at once should they choose to do so. The walls of this room are slightly thicker than the others to provide better sound dampening and provide a nice, relaxing place to read. Two doors lead out of the room, one to the hallway to the East and another back into the Living Room to the North.

Storage Room: The storage room is simple enough, plenty of shelving and tables and boxes for storage of commonly used items that aren't used enough to warrant being left out. Games, useful tools, extra candles, tables, chairs and such all stored here with the walls left in their natural brick without any decoration (it's just a storage room afterall)

Dining Room: The Dining Room is simple enough, tables and trays for setting food and plates on, a couple of round tables near the door with some chairs for casual seating and should the need ever arise, a long dining table at the back that can seat a large party. Spare chairs are stacked in the corner just in case and shelves at the back wall hold spare condiments and plates that aren't already on the tables.

Kitchen: The Kitchen is well stocked and built with a master-chef in mind. While not quite as decked out as a restaurant, or even most establishments that can serve food, a chef would feel comfortable preparing lavish dishes here. Yes, this room was largely helped in design by a certain Fae who likes to cook. Plenty of cupboards and worktops and cooking pots, as well as purpose-built fireplace on the East wall. Stairs can be found leading down to the pantry/cold storage room.

Exam Rooms: Styled after the Healing House, Amethine's home has a couple of small rooms designed to make injured patients feel more comfortable and are similarly stocked to what you might find at the Healing House. One has a single bed and the other has two beds, all able to be shielded by curtains for privacy.

Experiment Room: A large spacious room filled with worktables, cauldrons, bookcases and all sorts of on-going projects. Vials and bottles litter the various surfaces along with many notes. While Amethine has the lion's share of the room, a couple of tables lie far emptier of stuff as they're designated for Abby and Airy should they wish to use them.

Back Garden: With the house taking up most of the plot, there is a modest amount of space available in the back, mostly taken up by the Bathhouse, greenhouses and Pet Shed. There's room enough to lounge and relax in though, and perhaps have a small game of chase (though perhaps not large enough for a game of chase with a catgirl).

Pet Shed: The Pet Shed is a simple enough wooden structure with large holes near the ceiling for flying creatures to flutter in and out, and is designed to keep the various creatures of the A-Team warm and happy. Mostly filled with hay and such with perches and roosts for the flying-types. Not as good as a proper barn by any stretch of the imagination, but it does the job.

Bathhouse: A simple enough bathhouse, baths, pool, dressers for towels and such. Not Amethine's favourite place, she doesn't like water!

Upper Floor:
Hallway: The hallway is wider on this floor to accommodate people moving about during morning and night, and for any shenanigans like chasing through the house. A wide hallway makes it easier to dodge around your predator afterall.

Closet: A small closet for storing spare sheets and pillows and such.

Bedrooms: The 5 guest bedrooms are modestly furnished. A bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, armchair and a table or two. Multiple windows to let in light and enough room to have plenty of empty floor space to meander and pace about. Little in the way of actual decoration, but a lot of space for personalization. The bird-holes above the door have a little curtain in front of them that can be closed to signal that privacy is desired.

Abby's Room: Abby's bedroom is largely similar to the others, except has most of it's walls not bodering the outside, so it only has one window and also has quick access to the stairs back downstairs, so overall a practically designed room for defense and rapid response. While this room has a curtain over the bird-hole as well, strangely this doesn't seem to do much for a certain fae or bee familiar, though at least Amethine's Raven respects it! There are more desks in this room too, and in the southwest corner is a green coloured square protrusion, the same protrusion that can be down in the Living Room downstairs with similarly sized Fae holes, Airy's bedroom!

Airy's Room: A small room that is built into both Abby's Room and the Living Room, with little Fae-holes built in to allow quick access for someone small and flying to flit in and out, giving easy access to both up and downstairs. Near the ceiling is a larger hole that, with some turns, leads outside to allow something as large as a bird inside. The room itself is lined with shelves that host plenty of Fae-sized furniture taken from doll houses.

Amethine's Room: Amethine's room, being the Master bedroom is the largest and Amethine chose to fill this space with plenty of tables and surfaces to store ongoing experiments and projects. Always the scholar and learner, Amethine's bedroom reflects this with the informative tomes and books, and notes on all kinds of things scattered everywhere. Though, being a cautious cat, anything Amethine deems "sensitive" isn't found in the organized mess that is her main bedroom, those are kept in the secret room behind one of the bookcases that swings out after pushing the whole shelf slightly to one side to unlock it. This "secret room" hosts a chair, table and desk for very private studying (or if Amethine just gets the notion to read while in the nude.) Also found in this secret area is a spiral staircase that leads straight into the basement. Something to note is that the door leading to Amethine's room doesn't have a bird-hole above the door, and the door is purpose made to keep out any troublesome Fae. Or at least make it that much harder to get in.

Storage Rooms: The basement is mostly for long-term storage, and there's plenty of little cupboards for this, as well as a couple of larger rooms.

Multipurpose Room: This room is large and spacious, with some musical instruments kept down here when not brought upstairs. An area marked out on the floor serves as a makeshift "ring" for spars with a certain gladiatorial champion, plays or really anything that can be imagined.

Private Meeting/Game Room: The most secretive "public" room of the house, situated far from the stairs in the basement. A quiet little corner for hosting private meetings or long game sessions. Large tables with plenty of chairs that can play host to important gatherings or intense sessions of board games, though it's not unknown to sneak down here to enjoy a quiet moment with one's thoughts. Dressers and such store things away when not in use.

Amethine's Secret Playroom: Amethine is a cautious catgirl, trust is a big issue for her and as such, she trusts almost nobody to invite down here. But here she can let her imaginations run wild, and is where she stores any sex furniture she may have acquired. Her libido is high indeed, and it's here she feels safe to let it all out! It's a shame there's pretty much nobody she'd want to share it with, but that's the price she pays for keeping her morals and trust. This room also has a double purpose, by living with a Fae, Amethine has to keep her sweet-stash secret. What better place, than to hide it in a secret underground sex-dungeon? Airy would never think to look in a room that's filled with furniture designed for stupid boring things! Sweets are FAR too important for that!
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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