Rave the Nostalgic Memories.

A place for players to get on their soap box and let it all out.
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Rave the Nostalgic Memories.

Postby Tehya on Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:17 pm

Yesterday I missed the old days of group RP, and announced in OOC that we had a SL to play out fixing up the Artist Ambit for the upcoming event of the Book Conglomeration, and lo and behold the good times came back we had a nice group of people cleaning and performing, even a topic for a new SL using mind speak in Tehya's ear.

It felt so good, thanks goes to the cute Miyuka, talented Rida, patient Shiho, and a new friend ArnochBretail=Morgan.

And Ehlanna can relax we didn't paint the walls of the AA pink.

Happy Smile,
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