Vex Windstrider - First Reset

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Vex Windstrider - First Reset

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:39 am

I ended up not liking the Fae as much as I originally thought I would and would like to have Vex reset so that I can fully rebuild her from the ground up, including swapping gender and race. - snapshot of the character spells and such in case its needed.
[21:49] <Desdaemona> Equipment list for Vex Windstrider: dagger, leather armor.
[21:49] <Kat`ryn_Quel`Dalre> !balance
[21:49] --Desdaemona-- Character 'Vex Windstrider' has 20 Mhl, 0 Cp in hand, 200 Mhl in the bank
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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Re: Vex Windstrider - First Reset

Postby Ehlanna on Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:46 pm

We need to know to which race you'd be going, but we cannot really also do a sex change, that is just too much like a brand-new character. Plus a reason to have the race changed
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