*NEW* Poison Shop Price List

News, information and events relating to the poison shop

*NEW* Poison Shop Price List

Postby Tamryn on Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:06 pm

Poisons Price List

Note: Poisons should be kept track of in your notes, till they are used. You must note which type (ingested/contact, inhaled, or infiltrating) that you buy as there are multiple forms of some poisons and they prices vary by form.

Ingested and/or Contact Poisons (Powders, Rubs, Liquid, Gels)

Baneberry - 200 mhl
Belladonna - 50 mhl
Beautiful Lie - 200
Caster's Muzzle - 300 mhl
Death's Whisper - 100 mhl
Dragon's Blood - 150 mhl
Essence of Sloth - 100 mhl
Hemlock - 300 mhl
Lazy Rape Bait - 150 mhl
Mages's Curse - 100 mhl
Nature's Rot - 300 mhl
Sweet Sleep - 150 mhl
Tongue Tied - 100 mhl
Wolfsbane - 300 mhl

Inhaled Poisons (Powders)

Beautiful Lie - 100 mhl
Chokevine Powder - 75 mhl
Death's Whisper - 50 mhl
Spellcaster's Scourge - 75 mhl
Touchers Bane - 75 mhl
Wolfsbane - 150 mhl

Infiltrating Posions (Pastes, Oils, Rubs)

Blinding Poison - 450
Diminishing Venom - 300 mhl
Dragon's Blood - 225 mhl
Mage's Curse - 150 mhl
Meadow Saffron - 300 mhl
Wolfsbane - 450

Descriptive list of poisons:

Name: Baneberry
Category: 4
Type: Ingested
Form: Berries that look almost identical to blueberries
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level: HealerX3

Description: The plants grow to three feet in height with large spreading leaves with sharp, toothed margins. The plants have small white or bluish flowers. The berries are shiny and are found in summer and autumn. The growing process the plant must be alchemically treated.
General Effect: Causes a burning in the stomach, dizziness and increased pulse. Larger doses cause nausea, vomiting, convulsions and shock followed by kidney failure and eventually death.

Partial Effect: Stomach Burn and Dizziness that will wear off at the end of the scene, -5 to atk and def rolls.
Full Effect: Stomach Burn, Dizziness, Increased Pulse, Nausea, Vomiting for the rest of the day, -10 to atk and def rolls for the duration of the effect.
Double Effect: Stomach Burn, Dizziness and increased pulse, Nausea, vomiting, convulsions and shock (-20 to atk and def rolls for the duration) followed by kidney failure and eventually death if not healed within 2 days.

Name:Beautiful Lie
Category: 4
Type: Contact/Inhaled
Form: Powder
Activation Time: 4 rounds
Cure Level: 3

Description:. The fine powder is then carefully placed in a container and allowed to age, the herbs matting together.
General Effect: Once this powder touches the flesh, the change is almost instantly apparent. The color and feel of the flesh changes, starting to harden. A color change, to a almost mottled appearance, and the nerves start to actually numb. The longer the powder is left in contact with the flesh, the stronger the effect will be. Lasting up to four hours.

Partial Effect:The coloration of skin starts to change, darkening, with numbing sensation of appendages. Breathing is not affected.
Full Effect: The color and feel of the flesh changes, starting to harden. No sensation to flesh, hard like tree bark. This prevents movement. No casting or attacks. Player cannot move. No attacks can be made against a player in this condition, they are invulnerable, in the aspect of fighting in any sense, duration 4 hours or till cured.
Double Effect Spell duration lengthens to 8 hours. No casting or attacks. Player cannot move. No attacks can be made against a player in this condition, they are invulnerable, in the aspect of fighting in any sense.

Name: Belladonna
Category : 1
Type: Ingested
Form: Berries or Flowers Dried and rendered to Powder to be added to food/drink
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level: Healer X1

Description: Alchemically processed from a perennial herb with red sap that grows between 50-200cm tall. The flowers are five lobed dull red purple, and the fruit is a glossy purple-black berry.
General Effect: May cause rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, hallucinations, convulsions and even coma.

Partial Effect: Causes a Decrease in Respiratory system, decrease in heart rate and dilation of the pupils, -5% stamina
Full Effect: Rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, -5 to atk and -10% stamina.
Double Effect: (All the above!) rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, hallucinations, convulsions and will go into a coma in 1 hour unless healed. Coma will last for 10 hours or until healed. Effects before coma comes will be -10 to atk and -20% to stamina.

Name :Blinding Poison
Category: 6
Type: Infiltrating
Form: Gel (apply to a weapon)
Activation Time: 1 round
Cure Level: Healerx5

Description: Deadly nightshade leaf, found in remote mountain areas. The leaf is kept and stored dry. The alchemist will then be able to rehydrate it and once done and treated, the thick leafy stems once broken will drain the highly toxin gel like substance.
General Effect: Blinded. Targeted spells would become unusable by the victim and attacks made by that person would suffer a -X to hit. The potent nature of the gel will require it to be reapplied with each hit to the opponent. Multiple applications however are not cumulative.

Partial Effect: Victim would suffer blurry vision, targeted spells used, would become unusable. But attacks made by the person would suffer a -15 to hit.
Full Effect: 1 round after being struck by a weapon with this poison applied to it the character would be blinded until cured or the scene was ended. Ranged spells and ranged physical attacks would become unusable by the victim and close attacks made by that person would suffer a -30 to hit. This gel will need to be reapplied after each time it successfully damages an opponent
Double Effect: Victim would suffer full affects for 24 hour period.

Name Caster's Muzzle
Category: 6
Type: 6
Form: Ingested
Activation Time: Takes Effect upon victim's next casting of a spell
Cure Level: healer x5

Description: This poison causes an acute reaction that will make the throat constrict, making it nearly impossible to vocalize any and all spell casting. It is applied to a food or drink item for ingesting.
General Effect: This poison directly effects the abilities of a spell caster to cast their spells

Partial Effect: : The victim sees a -10 to their Atk
Full Effect: Victim cant cast any spells until cured.
Double Effect:Victim cant cast any spells until cured. If they were to use a weapon -15 to Atk and -10 to Damage rolls

Name: Chokevine Powder
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: White, transparent powder
Activation Time: Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: White, nearly transparent powder carried and sold within a small, leather pouch. Each distributed pouch attaining only enough to efficiently attempt once. Effective only when the character is within very close range of their chosen victim. The poison ineffectual when only touching bare skin, the character pours the powder within their palm, and flings it directly within the face of their opponent, in hopes they will inhale enough for its poisonous affliction to work.
General Effect: Drains the victim's stamina after its successfully inhaled.

Partial Effect: Each round, the victim will begin to lose 2% of their maximum stamina as time goes by. The effect only lasts while in combat/scene before it wears off.
Full Effect: The Victim will lose 5% of their maximum Stamina each round and must be healed in order for the stamina loss to cease.
Double Effect: The Victim will lose 10% of their maximum Stamina each round and must be healed.

Name: Death's Whisper
Category: Category 2
Type: Contact or Inhaled
Form: Liquid or Powder
Activation Time: Four rounds.
Cure Level: Healer at x2

Description: A powder composed of spider venom, nightshade, and pits of peaches, crushed, and stored until the bacteria seeps into the substance, drying it and leaving a light mold. It is the mold itself which is poison. The odor of such, is highly suspect, a cloying aroma that once smelt is never truly forgotten. To be used, as a a inhalable, or wet, it can be rubbed directly to skin. Unstable, the compound, once reconstituted, is only at full strength for 4 rounds.
General Effect: Blistering sores appearing on the flesh of the infected. Once the poison enters into the bloodstream, these festering *bites* begin to manifest, leaking a puss like substance that renders the limbs almost ineffective. The sex, folds, such as the armpits, the inner thighs, are more likely to receive the sores themselves, as blood flow seems to be more gathered to such areas.

Parital Effect: Victim gets a harsh rash on the affected area and suffers a -4 to all actions until cured.
Full Effect: Limb effected is nearly unusable due to the festering bites. All actions with that limb are at a -10 until cured.
Double Effect: Limb is unusable until cured and suffers a -15 to all actions even if they do not use that limb due to pain from the bites.

Name: Diminishing Venin
Category: 4
Type: Infiltrating
Form: Black Paste
Activation Time: One Round
Cure Level: Healer X3

Description: Distributed within a small, metallic case, only enough of the poison is sold to apply to one weapon of choosing. The character, after purchasing the venom, smears the black, malodorous adhesive upon their weapon. At the week's end, the weapon's potentiality for draining another's strength will cease, until the poison is reapplied.
General Effect: Each time the weapon successfully inflicts damage upon another, it's poisonous effects will seep into the target's bloodstream, effectively draining them of their strength.

Partial Effect: When the defender is successfully struck with the poisoned weapon, they'll suffer a -5% str, but only for the current scene. After which they will return to full strength.
Full Effect: -10% str to opponent struck and it needs to be healed. Can only be stacked against a single target twice .
Double Effect: -15% str, but can be stacked twice, maxing out at a possible -30% to strength if both applications where double effects. Victim's STR may never go below 0 and at 0 they are considered immobilized. Each application must be treated for separately.

Name: Dragon's Blood
Category: 3
Type: Ingested or Infiltrated
Form: Red liquid
Activation Time: Ingested - 2 Rounds, Infiltration - Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: Dark, thick red liquid.
General Effect: Sap Stamina, basically leaving the victim fatigued and eventually unconscious while the heart pounds. The victim will feel as if his heart is very large, once described by a victim as if he had a dragon beating within him. Once Stamina is completely drained, the victim slumbers until healed.

Partial Effect: Heart Pounds faintly feeling like a butterfly, yet concentrate is not affected.
Full Effect: The victims heart begins to pound and they feel fatigued. Player begins losing 10 stamina every 8 rounds until they are unconscious, once cured stamina may be regained per normal means.
Double Effect: The victims heart begins to pound wildly and the feel very fatigued. Players begins losing 10 stamina every 4 rounds until they are unconscious, once cured the stamina may be regained as per normal.

Name: Essence of Sloth
Category: 2
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 1-4 rounds
Cure Level: Healer x2

Description: Held within a small vial or other glass container, this poison appears clear in color. A faint hint of almond may give this poison away, however when mixed into other fluids, this aroma no longer exists. Once ingested, a slight upset feeling overcomes the victim's stomach, which then gives way to a feeling of being 'weighed down'. The mind functions slower than usual, and in turn, the body responds to instances much slower than the victim is used to.
General Effect: Ingested, it causes an upset stomach feeling, followed with a sluggish response of the mind, and thus the body responds slower in kind.

Partial Effect: -5% to AGI, the weight seems heavy, but manageable to a degree
Full Effect: -10% to AGI, the weight is unbearable, a wonder that you can even move your limbs.
Double Effect: -15% agi, but can be stacked twice, maxing out at a possible -30% to agility if both applications where double effects. Victim's AGI may never go below 0 and at 0 they are considered immobilized. Each application must be treated for separately. Also, the victim will endure an excruciating pain, and the feeling of a heavy weight upon their shoulders, for the duration of this poison.[ /i]

Name: Hemlock
Category: 6
Type: Ingested
Form: Leaves, fruit, seeds
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level:Healer X5

Description: Holds a bitter taste and a mousy like odor.
General Effect: Causes Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils, weak heartbeat, cold extremities, coma caused by respiratory failure.

[i]Partial Effect:: Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils
Full Effect:Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils, weak heartbeat, cold extremities coma takes affect after the second round..Coma lasts 4 hour, then the character awakens, drained, and weakened by the affect of the poison. Stamina of the victim will remain at maximum 20% for 6 hours after.
Double Effect: Coma. Character must seek a healer or curing within 24 hours or they die and will need a resurrection.

Name: Lazy Rape Bait
Category: 3
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 5 Rounds
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: A midnight blue liquid would fill a tiny vial, however once mixed into a drink or hidden within food would fade in taste and color, leaving no hint as to what rests inside.
General Effect: Renders the victim unconscious for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Full effect takes 5 rounds to complete and each round the victim becomes more disoriented and hazy until they pass out. Any form of attack that will deal damage to the victim will wake them immediately.

Partial Effect: Victim only falls unconscious for 10 to 15 minutes and remembers all that happened before and after the time.
Full Effect: Victim falls unconscious for 30 minutes and wakes not recalling how they got wherever they get to.
Double Effect: Victim falls unconscious for 60 minutes. Recalls nothing.

Name: Mage's Curse
Category: 2
Type: Ingested or Infiltrating
Form: Red Liquid and Black Sludge
Activation Time: Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X1

Description: A thin red liquid used for poisoning wines or a black sludge used for applying to blades.
General Effect: Poison attacks a mages Int and Res, making it harder for them to recall and cast spells as well as defend against them. Effect is permanent until healed.

Partial Effect: -5% to Int and Res.
Full Effect: -10% to Int and Res.
Double Effect: -15% to Int and Res.

Name:Meadow Saffron
Category: 4
Type: Infiltrating
Form: gel-like resisdue
Activation Time: 4 rounds
Cure Level: Healerx3

Description: Small plant that prefers deep clay and loam in damp meadows and fen woodland.
General Effect: Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting. Relapse occurs, resulting in paralysis, respiratory or heart failure and coma. If victim does not get a healer within a 8 hour period.

Partial Effect:Abdominal pains, irritation of mouth, thirst, -2 to atk and def rolls.
Full Effect:Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting, -6 to atk and def rolls.
Double Effect: Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting. (-12 to atk and def rolls) Players must reach a healer with 1 hour or they begin to suffer paralysis, coma, respiratory or heart failure (player is effectively immobilized). If victim does not get a healer within a 8 hour period they will die and need a resurrection.

Name: Natures Rot
Category: 6
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 5 rounds
Cure Level: Healerx5 (requires regrowth to do more than stop the effect from progressing)

Description: Created from a mixture of toxic plants. Liquid that is green and thick and smells woody, like forest
General Effect: Natures rot eats away at the body of the victim, slowly killing him from the inside out, it starts to basically liquefy organs it’s a VERY nasty and powerful poison. Will affect, Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ will be affected 5 rounds after ingestion and each new organ is at risk every 10th round after that.

Partial Effect: Victim feels their stomach churning and liver, vomiting occurs but the victim resist further effects and will be able to healed via normal healing, -10 to all atk and def rolls and 5 damage dealt to the player.
Full Effect: Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ is affected 5 rounds after ingestion, giving a -10 to all atk and def rolls and dealing 5 damage. Every 10th round after that the player gets another -10 to atk and takes another 5 damage. 10 rounds after the heart is affect, the player dies. (Organs affected will need regrowth cast to remove affects even after the poison has been cured to stop further growth)
Double Effect: Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ is affected 5 rounds after ingestion, giving a -10 to all atk and def rolls and dealing 5 damage. Every 5th round after that the player gets another -10 to atk and takes another 5 damage. 5 rounds after the heart is affect, the player dies. (Organs affected will need regrowth cast to remove affects even after the poison has been cured to stop further growth)

Name: Spellcasters Scourge
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: powder
Activation Time: instant
Cure Level: Healerx2

Description: A blend of spices and pollen which is to be blown at people in the hopes that they might cause a stinging of sensitive flesh (eyes, nose, mouth), the pollens are those which tickle the throat in order to increase coughing.
General Effect: A fine powder that is blown or thrown at a target in close range. If the target inhales the powder they have a good chance of entering a sneezing fit or coughing fit, unable to see straight or speak thus keeping them from completing words for a few seconds or seeing the combatant clearly. (NB Blowback of the powder, or accidental inhaling to blow to close to powder will result in the user being effected)

Partial Effect: Sneezing or coughing fit. Lasts moments. Irritation in throat and eyes.
Full Effect: Coughing and sneezing prevents spell casting for 5 rounds.
Double EffectVictim has an allergic reaction to the poison and suffers swelling, coughing and sneezing. All spell casting is impossible for the rest of the scene.

Name: Sweet Sleep
Category: 3
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 6 rounds to total drugged sleep.
Cure Level: healerx4

Description: The slightest drop of it, when given in a drink, must be in liquid form for it to work, will cause a drug like state of sleep.
General Effect: Like a drug, it eases and relaxes those who ingest it. Slowly thoughts are forgotten and muscles relax, and sleep finds its way to the person. Not able to awaken, from such a sleep, until the liver has cleansed the blood from the poison itself.

Partial Effect: Eases and relaxes the body. -2 to all rolls.
Full Effect: Thoughts are forgotten, and sleep find its way to the person. Player is to roll a 1d5 to determine the number of hours the player is asleep. -4 to all rolls till full sleep claims the victim.
Double Effect: Not able to awaken the person, till the poison runs its course. Player is to roll a 1d10 to determine the number of hours the player is asleep. -8 to all rolls till full sleep claims the victim.

Name: Tongue Tied
Category: 2
Type : Inhaled or Ingested.
Form: liquid or powder
Activation Time: 3 round for full affect
Cure Level: 1

Description: a power that’s blown at victim, or given to in drink or food.
General Effect: This is handy for that loud mouth politician or that irritating Barbarian trying to pick you up at the bar. The first round the victim will start to stammer and they will start to noticeably drool, 2nd they will have trouble forming words, and the 3rd they will lose the ability to speak and can only make grunts and unintelligent noises. Last till the end of the scene or one day.

Partial Effect: The first round the victim will start to stammer, and start to noticeably drool. Spell casting can still be done.
Full Effect: Player looses the ability to speak and can only make grunts and unintelligent noises, without EXTREME effort. Spell casting starts to be an issue; Spells are cast at a -10 to their atk value as they have to try hard to formulate their incantation.
Double Effect: 2 days full spell affects. Spell casting is impossible, all words are unintelligible, causing the caster's chanting to be mumbled words not able to be pronounced properly. So spell casting is affected, unable to cast the easiest of spells.

Name: Toucher's Bane
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: Powder
Activation Time: Immediately
Cure Level: Healer x2

Description: Carried in a leather pouch with a small hole, when the pouch is squeezed, it produces a small stream of powder. Effective only when the character is in very close range. The stream is colorless save for the Stars Light which catches any ambient light and shimmers like stars, making it possible to see where the cloud is, in order to avoid it. Water causes the powder to clump, making it completely ineffective even after drying.
General Effect: The stinging thistle lodges for a short duration (couple of hours) on the outer layer of skin, causing a strong itching sensation. Scratching causes the itching to increase to the point of a painful burning sensation. The stinging thistle is irremovable by conventional means, (clean spell nor bathing will be able to remove this) though can be dealt with by a competent healer.

Partial Effect: Victim suffers a minor itching burn on their skin that cannot be washed away. -2 to all rolls.
Full Effect: Victim suffers a strong itching sensation on their skin. - 4 to all rolls.
Double Effect: Victim suffers an intense and painful itching and burning sensation on their skin. Victim is unable to cast due to the intense itching. -8 to all rolls.

Name: Wolfsbane
Category: 6
Type: Ingested, Inhaled, Infiltrated
Form: Powder or Oil
Activation Time: 1 Round (Infiltrated) 2 Rounds (Ingested/Inhaled)
Cure Level: Healer X4

Description: The plant is usually found within mountainous areas in the North, preferring moist, shady soil. It can be found in forests or natural areas, in moist woods, and along riverbanks, as well as in flower gardens. .
General Effect: Chest pain, extreme anxiety, hypertensive, irregular heartbeat, loss of speech control, nausea, pinpoint pupils, throat hands and mouth numb, heart starts to fail after half a day of non-healing, vomiting, coma due to respiratory arrest after one day.

Partial Effect: Causes chest pain, anxiety, hypertensive, irregular heartbeat, -5 to all forms of atk.
Full Effect: Some loss of Speech, Nausea, Numbness, -10 to all forms of atk.
Double Effect: Hearts starts to fail after half of day of non-healing, vomiting, coma due to respirator arrest after one day, -20 to all atks until the victim falls into that state.

Name:Hollowed-out reed Blowgun and darts
ATK Value: Blowgun 0; Darts 1
Price 50 mhl + 2 mhl (1 blowgun (50) and 10 darts (2))
No poison included
The long-distance poison delivery method of choice, a hollowed-out water reed, re-enforced with leather bindings, shoots out a small metal dart, capped with a feather for stabilization, allows the would-be assassin to get their target without ever being seen. Each dart has enough surface area on the tip to inject 1 dose of the desired poison into a target. As is the usual, OOC consent is required for use of poisoning in this method, with the person being poisoning knowing the full effects of the poison before-hand. It can also be used to inject potions from the Apothecary, such as 'Waking Death'. Once a dart make contact with anything, even if it is a miss, the poison on the dart is rendered useless, and in the event the dart hits something hard, it can indeed destroy the dart. They are not sold to the general public, but must be sold by the Silent Embrace 'under the counter' so to speak. Range of the darts is 15 feet with little wind resistance, less with more wind.
OOC Notes: The following poisons can be used with these darts: Beautiful Lie, Blinding Poison, Death's Whisper, Diminishing Venin, Dragon's Blood, Lazy Rape Bait, Mage's Curse, Meadow Saffron, Sweet Sleep, and Wolfsbane.

Name: Deadly Nightshade
Category: 1
Type: Contact
Form: Dried leaves, stems and roots
Activation Time: One round
Cure Level: Healer x1
Alchemical processed from a perennial herb that grows between 2 and 4 feet tall. You'll recognize it by its dull,? dark green leaves and bell-shaped purple, scented flowers, which bloom from mid-summer through early fall. The berries are a light green when they first develop and turn a shiny black color as they ripen.
General effects: Skin Irritation and rash, Itching, flushing of the skin, Dizziness, dry mouth, thirst, nausea, headache, Difficulty swallowing and if it comes in contact with the eyes visual impairment
Partial Effect: Skin irritation, Itching, and flushing of skin
Full Effect: Rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, Nausea, headache, dry hot skin, -5 to atk and -10% stamina.

Double Effect: (All the above!) and if it comes in contact with the eyes. Visual impairment, partial blindness, hallucinations lasts 3 hours unless healed. -10 to atk and -20% to stamina.

Special Uses: Key herb in healer rezz ritual.

Old Pricelist and Poison Descriptions
Poisons Price List

Note: Poisons should be kept track of in your notes, till they are used. You must note which type (ingested/contact,inhaled, or infiltrating) that you buy as there are multiple forms of some poisons and they prices vary by form. Poisons have a shelf life of 3 months.

Ingested and/or Contact Posions (Powders, Rubs, Liquid, Gels)

Baneberry - 200 mhl
Belladonna - 50 mhl
Beautiful Lie - 200
Caster's Muzzle - 300 mhl
Death's Whisper - 100 mhl
Dragon's Blood - 150 mhl
Essence of Sloth - 100 mhl
Hemlock - 300 mhl
Lazy Rape Bait - 150 mhl
Mages's Curse - 100 mhl
Nature's Rot - 300 mhl
Sweet Sleep - 150 mhl
Tongue Tied - 100 mhl
Wolfsbane - 300 mhl

Inhaled Poisons (Powders)

Beautiful Lie - 100 mhl
Chokevine Powder - 75 mhl
Death's Whisper - 50 mhl
Spellcaster's Scourge - 75 mhl
Touchers Bane - 75 mhl
Wolfsbane - 150 mhl

Infiltrating Posions (Pastes, Oils, Rubs)

Blinding Poison - 450
Diminishing Venom - 300 mhl
Dragon's Blood - 225 mhl
Mage's Curse - 150 mhl
Meadow Saffron - 300 mhl
Wolfsbane - 450

Descriptive list of poisons:

Name: Baneberry
Category: 4
Type: Ingested
Form: Berries that look almost identical to blueberries
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level: HealerX3

Description: The plants grow to three feet in height with large spreading leaves with sharp, toothed margins. The plants have small white or bluish flowers. The berries are shiny and are found in summer and autumn. The growing process the plant must be alchemicly treated.
General Effect: Causes a burning in the stomach, dizziness and increased pulse. Larger doses cause nausea, vomiting, convulsions and shock followed by kidney failure and eventually death.

Partial Effect: Stomach Burn and Dizziness that will wear off at the end of the scene, -4 to atka nd def rolls.
Full Effect: Stomach Burn, Dizziness, Increased Pulse, Nausea, Vomiting for the rest of the day, -10 to atk and def rolls for the duration of the effect.
Double Effect: Stomach Burn, Dizziness and increased pulse, Nausea, vomiting, convulsions and shock (-20 to atk and def rolls for the duration) followed by kidney failure and eventually death if not healed within 2 days.

Name:Beautiful Lie
Category: 4
Type: Contact/Inhaled
Form: Powder
Activation Time: 4 rounds
Cure Level: 3

Description:. The fine powder is then carefully placed in a container and allowed to age, the herbs matting together.
General Effect: Once this powder touches the flesh, the change is almost insantly apparent. The color and feel of the flesh changes, starting to harden. A color change, to a almost mottled appearace, and the nerves start to actually numb. The longer the powder is left in contact with the flesh, the stronger the effect will be. Lasting up to four hours.

Partial Effect:The coloration of skin starts to change, darkening, with numbing sensation of appendages. Breathing is not affected.
Full Effect: The color and feel of the flesh changes, starting to harden. No sensation to flesh, hard like tree bark. This prevents movement. No casting or attacks. player cannot move. No attacks can be made against a player in this condition, they are invulnerable, in the aspect of fighting in any sense, duration 4 hours or till cured.
Double Effect Spell duration lenghtens to 8 hours. No casting or attacks. Player cannot move. No attacks can be made against a player in this condition, they are invulnerable, in the aspect of fighting in any sense.

Name: Belladonna
Category : 1
Type: Ingested
Form: Berries or Flowers Dried and rendered to Powder to be added to food/drink
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level: Healer X1

Description: Alchemically processed from a perennial herb with red sap that grows between 50-200cm tall. The flowers are five lobed dull red purple, and the fruit is a glossy purple-black berry.
General Effect: May cause rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, hallucinations, convulsions and even coma.

Partial Effect: Causes a Decrease in Respiratory system, decrease in heart rate and dilation of the pupils, -4 stamina
Full Effect: Rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, -4 to atk and -6 stamina.
Double Effect: (All the above!) rapid pulse, thirst, dry mouth, difficulty in swallowing, restlessness and fatigue, headache, dry hot skin, near vision very blurred, hallucinations, convulsions and will go into a coma in 1 hour unless healed. Coma will last for 10 hours or until healed. Effects before coma comes will be -8 to atk and -12 to stamina.

Name :Blinding Poison
Category: 6
Type: Infiltrating
Form: Gel (apply to a weapon)
Activation Time: 1 round
Cure Level: Healerx5

Description: Deadly nightshade leaf, found in remote mountain areas. The leaf is kept and stored dry. The alchemist will then be able to rehydrate it and once done and treated, the thick leafy stems once broken will drain the highly toxin gel like substance.
General Effect: Blinded.Targeted spells would become unusable by the victim and attacks made by that person would suffer a -30 to hit. The potent nature of the gel will require it to be reapplied with each hit to the opponent. Multiple application however are not cumulative.

Partial Effect: Victim would suffer blurry vision, targeted spells used, would become unuseable. But attacks made by the person would suffer a -15 to hit.
Full Effect: 1 round after being struck by a weapon with this poison applied to it the character would be blinded until cured or the scene was ended. Ranged spells and ranged physical attacks would become unusable by the victim and close attacks made by that person would suffer a -30 to hit. This gel will need to be reapplied after each time it successfully damages an opponent
Double Effect: Victim would suffer full affects for 24 hour period.

Name Caster's Muzzle
Category: 6
Type: 6
Form: Ingested
Activation Time: Takes Effect upon victim's next casting of a spell
Cure Level: healer x5

Description: This poison causes an acute reaction that will make the throat constrict, making it nearly impossible to vocalize any and all spellcasting. It is applied to a food or drink item for ingesting.
General Effect: This poison directly effects the ablities of a spell caster to cast their spells

Partial Effect: : The victim sees a -10 to their Atk
Full Effect: Victim cant cast any spells until cured.
Double Effect:Victim cant cast any spells until cured. If they were to use a weapon -15 to Atk and -10 to Damage

Name: Chokevine Powder
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: White, transparent powder
Activation Time: Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: White, nearly transparent powder carried and sold within a small, leather pouch. Each distributed pouch attaining only enough to efficiently attempt once. Effective only when the character is within very close range of their chosen victim. The poison uneffectual when only touching bare skin, the character pours the powder within their palm, and flings it directly within the face of their opponent, in hopes they will inhale enough for it's poisonous affliction to work.
General Effect: Drains the victim's stamina after its successfully inhaled.

Partial Effect: Each round, the victim will begin to loose 2 stamina as time goes by. The effect only lasts while in combat/scene before it wears off.
Full Effect: The Victim will loose 4 Stamina each round and must be healed in order for the stamina loss to cease.
Double Effect: The Victim will loose 6 Stamina each round and must be healed.

Name: Death's Whisper
Category: Category 2
Type: Contact or Inhaled
Form: Liquid or Powder
Activation Time: Four rounds.
Cure Level: Healer at x2

Description: A powder composed of spider venom,nightshade, and pits of peaches, crushed, and stored until the baterica seeps into the substance, drying it and leaving a light mold. It is the mold itself which is posion. The odor of such, is highly supsect, a cloying aroma that once smelt is never truely forgotten. To be used, as a a inhaleable, or wet, it can be rubbed directly to skin. Unstable, the compond, once reconstatuted, is only at full strength for 4 rounds.
General Effect: Blistering sores appearing on the flesh of the infected. Once the posion enters into the bloodstream, these festering *bites* begin to manifest, leaking a puss like substance that renders the limbs almost ineffective. The sex, folds, such as the armpits, the inner thighs, are more likely to recieve the sores themselves, as bloodflow seems to be more gathered to such area's.

Parital Effect: Victim gets a harsh rash on the effected area and suffers a -4 to all actions until cured.
Full Effect: Limb effected is nearly unusable to to the festering bites. All actions with that limb are at a -10 until cured.
Double Effect: Limb is unusable until cured and all action the user suffers a -5 even if they do not use that limb due to pain from the bites.

Name: Diminishing Venin
Category: 4
Type: Infiltrating
Form: Black Paste
Activation Time: One Round
Cure Level: Healer X3

Description: Distributed within a small, metallic case, only enough of the poison is sold to apply to one weapon of choosing. The character, after purchasing the venom, smears the black, maladorous adhesive upon their weapon. At the week's end, the weapon's potentiality for draining another's strength will cease, until the poison is reapplied.
General Effect: Each time the weapon successfully inflicts damage upon another, it's poisonous effects will seep into the target's bloodstream, effectively draining them of their strength.

Partial Effect: When the defender is successfully struck with the poisoned weapon, they'll suffer a -5 str, but only for the current scene. After which they will return to full strength.
Full Effect: -10 str to opponent struck and it needs to be healed. Can only be stacked against a single target twice .
Double Effect: -20 str, but can be stacked twice, maxing out at a possible -40 to strength if both applications where double effects. Victim's STR may never go below 0 and at 0 they are considered immobilized. Each application must be treated for seperately.

Name: Dragon's Blood
Category: 3
Type: Ingested or Infiltrated
Form: Red liquid
Activation Time: Ingested - 2 Rounds, Infiltration - Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: Dark, thick red liquid.
General Effect: Sap Stamina, basically leaving the victim fatigued and eventually unconscious while the heart pounds. The victim will feel as if his heart is very large, once described by a victim as if he had a dragon beating within him. Once Stamina is completely drained, the victim slumbers until healed.

Partial Effect: Heart Pounds faintly feeling like a butterfly, yet concentrate is not effected.
Full Effect: The victims heart begins to pound and they feel fatigued. Player begins losing 10 stamina every 8 rounds until they are unconscious, once cured stamina may be regained per normal means.
Double Effect: The victims heart begins to pound wildly and the feel very fatigued. Players begins losing 10 stamina every 4 rounds until the are unconscious, once cured the stamina may be regained as per normal.

Name: Essence of Sloth
Category: 2
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 1-4 rounds
Cure Level: Healer x2

Description: Held within a small vial or other glass container, this poison appears clear in color. A faint hint of almond may give this poison away, however when mixed into other fluids, this aroma no longer exists. Once ingested, a slight upset feeling overcomes the victim's stomach, which then gives way to a feeling of being 'weighed down'. The mind functions slower than usual, and in turn, the body responds to instances much slower than the victim is used to.
General Effect: Ingested, it causes an upset stomach feeling, followed with a sluggish response of the mind, and thus the body responds slower in kind.

Partial Effect: -10 to AGI, the weight seems heavy, but manageable to a degree
Full Effect: -20 to AGI, the weight is unbearable, a wonder that you can even move your limbs.
Double Effect: -30 to AGI, the feeling is excruciating, as if you are going to be crushed under some illusionary weight so heavy, that it will cause you to fall.

Name: Hemlock
Category: 6
Type: Ingested
Form: Leaves, fruit, seeds
Activation Time: 2 Rounds
Cure Level:Healer X5

Description: Holds a bitter taste and a mousy like odor.
General Effect: Causes Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils, weak heartbeat, cold extremities, coma caused by respiratory failure.

Partial Effect:: Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils
Full Effect:Nervousness, trembling, in-coordination, dilated pupils, weak heartbeat, cold extremities coma takes affect after the second round..Coma lasts 4 hour, then the character awakens, drained, and weakened by the affect of the poison.
Double Effect: Coma. Character must seek a healer or curing within 24 hours or they die and will need a resurrection.

Name: Lazy Rape Bait
Category: 3
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 5 Rounds
Cure Level: Healer X2

Description: A midnight blue liquid would fill a tiny vial, however once mixed into a drink or hidden within food would fade in taste and color, leaving no hint as to what rests inside.
General Effect: Renders the victim unconsious for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Full effect takes 5 rounds to complete and each round the victim becomes more disoriented and hazy until they pass out. Any form of attack that will deal damage tot he victim will wake them immediately.

Partial Effect: Victim only falls unconsious for 10 to 15 minutes and remembers all that happened before and after the time.
Full Effect: Victim falls unconsious for 30 minutes and wakes not recalling how they got wherever they get to.
Double Effect: Victim falls unconsious for 60 minutes. Recalls nothing.

Name: Mage's Curse
Category: 2
Type: Ingested or Infiltrating
Form: Red Liquid and Black Sludge
Activation Time: Immediate
Cure Level: Healer X1

Description: A thin red liquid used for poisoning wines or a black sludge used for applying to blades.
General Effect: Poison attacks a mages Int and Res, making it harder for them to recall and cast spells as well as defend against them. Effect is permanent until healed.

Partial Effect: -2 to Int and Res.
Full Effect: -4 to Int and Res.
Double Effect: -8 to Int and Res.

Name:Meadow Saffron
Category: 4
Type: Infiltrating
Form: gel-like resisdue
Activation Time: 4 rounds
Cure Level: Healerx3

Description: Small plant that prefers deep clay and loam in damp meadows and fen woodland.
General Effect: Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting. Relapse occurs, resulting in paralysis, respiratory or heart failure and coma. If victim does not get a healer within a 8 hour period.

Partial Effect:Abdominal pains, irritation of mouth, thirst, -2 to atk and def rolls.
Full Effect:Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting, -6 to atk and def rolls.
Double Effect: Abdominal pains, colic collapse, irritation of the mouth, nausea, thirst and vomiting. (-12 to atk and def rolls) Players must reach a healer with 1 hour or they begin to suffer paralysis, coma, respiratory or heart failure (player is effectively immobilized). If victim does not get a healer within a 8 hour period they will die and need a ressurection.

Name: Natures Rot
Category: 6
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 5 rounds
Cure Level: Healerx5 (requires regrowth to do more than stop the effect from progressing)

Description: Created from a mixture of toxic plants. Liquid that is green and thick and smells woody, like forest
General Effect: Natures rot eats away at the body of the victim, slowly killing him from the inside out, it starts to basically liquefy organs it’s a VERY nasty and powerful poison. Will affect, Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ will be affected 5 rounds after ingestion and each new organ is at risk every 10th round after that.

Partial Effect: Victim feels their stomach churning and liver, vomiting occurs but the victim resist further effects and will be able to healed via normal healing, -10 to all atk and def rolls and 5 damage dealt to the player.
Full Effect: Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ is affected 5 rounds after ingestion, giving a -10 to all atk and def rolls and dealing 5 damage. Every 10th round after that the player gets another -10 to atk and takes another 5 damage. 10 rounds after the heart is affect, the player dies. (Organs affected will need regrowth cast to remove affects even after the poison has been cured to stop further growth)
Double Effect: Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Heart in that order. The first organ is affected 5 rounds after ingestion, giving a -10 to all atk and def rolls and dealing 5 damage. Every 5th round after that the player gets aanother -10 to atk and takes another 5 damage. 5 rounds after the heart is affect, the player dies. (Organs affected will need regrowth cast to remove affects even after the poison has been cured to stop further growth)

Name: Spellcasters Scourge
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: powder
Activation Time: instant
Cure Level: Healerx2

Description: A blend of spices and pollen which is to be blown at people in the hopes that they might cause a stinging of sensitive flesh (eyes, nose, mouth), the pollens are those which tickle the throat in order to increase coughing.
General Effect: A fine powder that is blown or thrown at a target in close range. If the target inhales the powder they have a good chance of entering a sneezing fit or coughing fit, unable to see straight or speak thus keeping them from completing words for a few seconds or seeing the combatant clearly. (NB Blowback of the powder, or accidental inhaling to blow to close to powder will result in the user being effected)

Partial Effect: Sneezing or coughing fit. Lasts moments..irritation in throat and eyes.
Full Effect: Coughing/sneezing, prevents spellcasting. 5 rounds.
Double EffectVictim has an allergic reaction to the poison and suffers swelling, coughing and sneezing. All spellcasting impossible for the rest of the scene.

Name: Sweet Sleep
Category: 3
Type: Ingested
Form: Liquid
Activation Time: 6 rounds to total drugged sleep.
Cure Level: healerx4

Description: The slightest drop of it, when given in a drink, must be in liquid form for it to work, will cause a drug like state of sleep.
General Effect: Like a drug, it eases and relaxes those who ingest it. Slowly thoughts are forgotten and muscles relax, and sleep finds it way to the person. Not able to awaken, from such a sleep, until the liver has cleansed the blood from the poison itself.

Partial Effect: Eases and relaxes the body. -2 to all rolls.
Full Effect: Thoughts are forgotten, and sleep find its way to the person. Player is to roll a 1d5 to determine the number of hours the player is asleep. -4 to all rolls till full sleep claims the victime.
Double Effect: Not able to awaken the person, till the poison runs its course. Player is to roll a 1d10 to determine the number of hours the player is asleep. -8 to all rolls till full sleep claims the victim.

Name: Tongue Tied
Category: 2
Type : Inhaled or Ingested.
Form: liquid or powder
Activation Time: 3 round for full affect
Cure Level: 1

Description: a power thats blown at victim, or in drink or food.
General Effect: This is handy for that loud mouth politician or that lame guy trying to pick you up at the bar. The first round the victim will start to stammer, they will start to noticably drool, 2nd they will have trouble forming words, and the 3rd they will loose the ablitiy to speak and can only make grunts and unintelligent noises. Last till the end of the scene or one day.

Partial Effect: The first round the victim will start to stammer, and start to noticably drool. Spell casting can still be done.
Full Effect: Player looses the ablitiy to speak and can only make grunts and unintelligent noises,w ithout EXTREME effort. Spell casting starts to be an issue, Spells are cast at a -10 to their atk value as they have to try hard to formulate their incantation.
Double Effect: 2 days full spell affects. Spell casting, is mared, all words are unintelligable, causing the caster's chanting to be mumbled words not able to be pronounced properly. So spell casting is affected, unable to cast the easiest of spells.

Name: Toucher's Bane
Category: 3
Type: Inhaled
Form: Powder
Activation Time: Immediately
Cure Level: Healer x2

Description: Carried in a leather pouch with a small hole, when the pouch is squeezed, it produces a small stream of powder. Effective only when the character is in very close range. The stream is colorless save for the Stars Light which catches any ambient light and shimmers like stars, making it possible to see where the cloud is, in order to avoid it. Water causes the powder to clump, making it completely ineffective even after drying.
General Effect: The stinging thistle lodges for a short duration (couple of hours) on the outer layer of skin, causing a strong itching sensation. Scratching causes the itching to increase to the point of a painful burning sensation. The stinging thistle is irremovable by conventional means, (clean spell nor bathing will be able to remove this) though can be dealt with by a competent healer.

Partial Effect: Victim suffers a minor itching burn on their skin that cannot be washed away. -2 to all rolls.
Full Effect: Victim suffers a strong itching sensation on their skin. - 4 to all rolls.
Double Effect: Victim suffers an intense and painful itching and burning sensation on their skin. Victim is unable to cast due to the intense itching. -8 to all rolls.

Name: Wolfsbane
Category: 6
Type: Ingested, Inhaled, Infiltrated
Form: Powder or Oil
Activation Time: 1 Round (Infiltrated) 2 Rounds (Ingested/Inhaled)
Cure Level: Healer X4

Description: The plant is usually found within mountainous areas in the North, preferring moist, shady soil. It can be found in forests or natural areas, in moist woods, and along riverbanks, as well as in flower gardens. .
General Effect: Chest pain, extreme anxiety, hypotensive, irregular heart beat, loss of speech control, nausea, pinpoint pupils, throat hands and mouth numb, heart starts to fail after half a day of non-healing, vomiting, coma due to respiratory arrest after one day.

Partial Effect: Causes chest pain, anxiety, hypotensive, irregular heart beat, -5 to all forms of atk.
Full Effect: Some loss of Speech, Nausea, Numbness, -10 to all forms of atk.
Double Effect: Hearts starts to fail after half of day of non-healing, vomiting, coma due to respirator arrest after one day, -20 to all atks until the victim falls into that state.

Name:Hollowed-out reed Blowgun and darts
ATK Value: Blowgun 0; Darts 1
Price 50 mhl + 2 mhl (1 blowgun (50) and 10 darts (2))
No poison included
The long-distance poison delivery method of choice, a hollowed-out water reed, re-enforced with leather bindings, shoots out a small metal dart, capped with a feather for stabilization, allows the would-be assassin to get their target without ever being seen. Each dart has enough surface area on the tip to inject 1 dose of the desired poison into a target. As is the usual, OOC consent is required for use of poisoning in this method, with the person being poisoning knowing the full effects of the poison before-hand. It can also be used to inject potions from the Apothecary, such as 'Waking Death'. Once a dart make contact with anything, even if it is a miss, the poison on the dart is rendered useless, and in the event the dart hits something hard, it can indeed destroy the dart. They are not sold to the general public, but must be sold by the Silent Embrace 'under the counter' so to speak. Range of the darts is 15 feet with little wind resistance, less with more wind.
OOC Notes: The following poisons can be used with these darts: Beautiful Lie, Blinding Poison, Death's Whisper, Diminishing Venin, Dragon's Blood, Lazy Rape Bait, Mage's Curse, Meadow Saffron, Sweet Sleep, and Wolfsbane.
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Postby Tamryn on Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:59 pm

Credit for the awesome work put into the Poisons and System goes to:
Amara, Tamryn, Obsession, Windira, Eraelabryn,Arch, Grey, Cleo, Inf and WhiteMist who really spen a lot of time with the Development of it all. SB and L`gave a ton of fine tuning to the system. Good help all around. :) Thanks to everyone for the hard work.
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*NEW* Poison Shop Price List

Postby Avarwraith on Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:54 pm

Well, i did my first sale today, and found there were gaps in my knowledge and what others could tell me. So here are a few questions I hope can be cleared up so I don't stumble on them next time. ;)

Also infiltrating poisons have duration of which they will remain potent on a blade. (see specific poisons for durations)

This is listed on the 'Poisons' Thread under Infiltrating. Yet when I check the poisons descriptions in the price list, I cant find any mention of duration, nor was anyone able to clear this up for me. If someone could give me a basic answer, or perhaps point me towards the spot where its listed, in case I missed it, I would be much obliged.

2: The potions the Apoth carry are limited to a number of uses. For instance, the Seductress' Aura has 5 applications per vial. Do our poisons only have one application each? I dont see anything listed on that either. Any help anyone can give will be appreciated, I hate being like... Err.. spend 450 mhl on this.. but.. umm.. im not sure how to answer your questions about it. XD

Thanks in advance!

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Postby Greywind on Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:51 pm

Until this can be added/or changed, the following ruling will be given in regards to this.

1. The duration of how long the poison will stay upon the weapon is interminate until it has found its two given uses. After that, it will be necessary to administer the poison anew to blade.

2. Due to the potency of the poisons, each vial does indeed only have one application.

This may be changed in the future, depending on further discussion between the Dev's working on poisons.
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Re: *NEW* Poison Shop Price List

Postby Greywind on Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:10 am

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