Volo's Songbook

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Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:55 pm

Disclaimer :

98% of all songs to be posted here belong to other people. Mainly Mercedes Lackey, as I love her style of writing. I refuse to take credit for something I did not write, but if there is anything that I did, I'll make sure to notate it.
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:56 pm

Advice To Would-Be Heroes
Author : Tarma

So you want to go earning your keep with your sword
and you think it cannot be too hard ...
and you dream of becoming a hero or lord
with your praises sung out by some bard ...
Well, now, let me then venture to give you advice
and when all of my lecture is done
We will see if my words have not make you think twice
about whether adventuring is fun.

Now before you seek shelter or food for yourself
go seek first for those things for your beast
for he is worth far more than praises or pelf
though a fool thinks to value him least.
If you've ever a moment at leisure to spare
then devote it, as if to your god,
to his grooming, and practice, and weapons-repair
and to seeing you both are well-shod.

Eat you lightly and sparingly ... never full-fed ...
for a full belly founders your mind.
Ah, but sleep when you can ... it is better than bread ...
for on night-watch no rest shall you find.
Do not boast of your skill, for there's always one more
who would prove he is better than you.
Tread swordladies like sisters, and not like a whore,
or your wenching days, lad, will be few.

When you look for a captain, then look for a man
who thinks first of his men and their beasts
and who listens to scouts, and has more than one plan,
and heeds not overmuch to the priests.
And if you become captain, when choosing your men
do not look for heroes at all,
for a hero dies young ... rather choose yourself ten
or a dozen whose pride's not so tall.

Now your Swordmaster is god ... whosoever he be ...
when he stands there before you to teach
and don't argue or whine, think to mock foolishly,
or you'll soon be consulting a leech.
Now most booty is taken by generals and kings,
and there's little that's left for the low
so it's best that you learn skills, or work at odd things
to keep food in your mouth as you go.

And last, if you should chance to reach my equal in years
you must find you a new kind of trade
for the plea that you're still spry will fall on deaf ears ...
there's no work for old swords, I'm afraid.
Now if all that I've told you has not changed your mind
then I'll teach you as best as I can,
for you're stubborn like me, and like me of the kind
become one fine swordswoman or swordsman!
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:56 pm

Lovers Untrue
Author : Tarma

"I shall love you til I die!"
both Talasar and Dera cry.
He swears "On my life I vow
only death could part us now!"
She says "You are life and every breath,
nothing severs us but death!"

Lightly taken, lightly spoke, easy vows are easy broke.

"Come and ride awhile with me"
Talasar says to young Varee,
"Look, the moon is rising high,
and countless stars bestrew the sky.
Come, or all the hours are flown.
It's no night to lie alone."

This the one who lately cried that'd he'd love until he died.

"Kevin, do you think me fair?"
Dera smiles, shaking back her hair.
"I have long admired you ...
Come, the night is young and new
and the wind is growing cold ...
and I would see if you are bold."

Is this she who vowed til death that Talasar was life and breath?

Comes the dawn ... beneath a tree
Talasar lies 'twined with Varee.
But look ... who should now draw e'er near?
Dera and her Kevin-dear.

He sees her! She sees him!
Oh confusion! Silence is grim!

Til he sighs, and shakes his head
"Well, I guess we must be dead!"
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:57 pm

The Archivist
Author : Jadrek the Blue

I sit amid the dusty books. The dust invades my very soul.
It coats my heart with weariness and chokes it with despair.
My life lies bleached and withered on a lonely, bleak, uncharted shoal.
There are no kindred spirits here to understand, or care.

When I was young, how often I would feed my hungry mind with tales
And sought the fellowship in books I did not find in kin.
For one does not seek friends when every overture to others fails
So all the company I craved I built from dreams within.

Those dreams – from all my books of lore I plucked the wonders one by one
And waited for the day that I was certain was to come
When some new hero would appear whose quest had only now begin
With desperate need of lore and wisdom I alone could plumb.

And then, ah then, I’d ride away to join with legend and with song.
The trusted friends of heroes, figured in their words and deeds.
Until that day, among the books I’d dwell – but I have dwelt too long
And like the books, I sit alone, a relic no one needs.

I grow too old, I grow too old, my aching bones have made me lame
And if my futile dream came true, I could not live it now.
The time is past, long past, when I could ride the wings of fleeting fame
The dream is dead beneath the dust, as ‘neath the dust I bow.

So, unregarded and alone, I tend these fragments of the past.
Poor fool who barted life and soul on dreams and useless lore.
And as I watch depair and bitterness enclose my heart at last
Within my soul’s dark night I cry out ‘Is there nothing more!?!’
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:57 pm

Uthgardt War Song
Unknown Author

(I figure this would fit in well with a Human(Tribe) background in Belariath)

Gold the dawn, sun spreads his wings
Follow where the East wind sings
Brothers, sisters, side by side
To defend our home, we ride!

Chorus :
Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone
Help us keep this land our own.
Rover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide
With us now forever ride!

Eyes of Hawks, the borders see
Watchers, guard it carefully.
Let no stranger pass it by
Children of the Hawk, now fly!

Speed of deer, oh grant to these
Swift to warn of enemies
Fleeter far than any foe
Deer-child, to the border! Go!

Chorus :
Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone
Help us keep this land our own.
Rover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide
With us now forever ride!

Cunning as the Wolfpack now
To no overlord we bow!
Lest some lord our freedom blight
Brothers of the Wolves, we fight!

Brave, the great Cat guards his lair
Teeth to rend and claws to tear
Lead the battle, first to last
Children of the Cat, hold fast!

Chorus :
Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone
Help us keep this land our own.
Rover, Guardian, Hunter, Guide
With us now forever ride!

Hawk and Cat and Wolf and Deer
Keep the lands now safe from fear
Brothers, sisters, side by side
To defend our home, we ride!
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:58 pm

Shadow Lover
Unknown Author

Shadow lover, never seen by day
Only deep in dreams do you appear
Wisdom tells me I should turn away
Love of mist and shadows, all unclear
Nothing can I hold of you but thought
Shadow Lover, mist and twilight wrought

Shadow Lover, comfort me in pain
Love, although I never see your face
All who’d have me fear you speak in vain
Never would I shrink from your embrace
Shadow Lover, gentle is your hand
Never could another understand

Shadow Lover, soothe me when I mourn
Mourn for all who left me here alone
When my grief is too much to be borne
When my burdens crushing-great have grown
Shadow Lover, I cannot forget
Help me bear the burdens I have yet

Shadow Lover, you alone can know
How I long to reach a point of peace
How I fade with weariness and woe
How I long for you to bring me release
Shadow Lover, court me in my dreams
Bring the peace that suffering redeems

Shadow Lover, from the Shadows made
Lead me into Shadows once again
Where you lead I cannot be afraid
For with you I shall come home again
In your arms I shall not fear the night
Shadow Lover, lead me into light.
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:58 pm

Wind’s Four Quarters
Unknown Author

Eastern wind blow clear, blow clean
Cleanse my body of it’s pain
Cleanse my mind of what I’ve seen
Cleanse my honor of its stain
Maide whose love has never ceased
Bring me healing from the East

Wind’s four quarters, air and fire
Earth and water, hear my desire
Grant my plea who stands alone
Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone

Southern wind blow hot, blow hard
Fan my courage to a flame,
Southern wind be guide and guard
Add your bravery to my name.
Let my will and yours be twinned,
Warrior of the Southern wind.


Western wind, stark, blow strong,
Grant me arm and mind of steel
On a road both hard and long
Mother, hear me where I kneel.
Let no weakness on my quest
Hinder me, wind of the West.


Nothern wind blow cruel, blow cold
Sheathe my aching heart in ice,
Armor ‘round my soul enfold
Crone I need not call you twice.
To my foes bring the cold of death!
Chill me, North wind’s frozen breath!
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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Re: Volo's Songbook

Postby Volo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:59 pm

Author : Leslac

Swordlady, valiant, no matter the foe,
Into the battle you fearlessly go …
Boldly you ride beyond map and chart …
Why are you frightened to open your heart?

Swordlady, lady of consummate skill,
Lady of prowess, of strength and of will,
Swordlady, lady of cold ice and steel,
Why will you never admit that you feel?

Swordlady, mistress of all arts of war,
Wise in the ways of all strategic lore,
You fear no creature below or above,
Why do you shrink from the soft touch of love?

Swordlady, brave to endure wounds and pain,
Plunging through lightning, through thunder and rain,
Flinching from nothing, so high is your pride,
Why then pretend you hold nothing inside?

Swordlady, somewhere within you is hid
A creature of feeling that no vow can rid,
A woman … a girl, with a heart soft and warm,
No matter the brutal deeds that you perform.

Swordlady, somewhere inside of you deep,
Cowers the maiden that you think asleep,
Frozen within you, in ice shrouded womb
That you can only pretend is a tomb.

Swordlady, all of the vows you have made,
Can never make your heart die as you’ve bade.
Swordlady, after the winter comes spring;
One day your hear will awaken and sing.

Swordlady, one day there must come a man,
Who shapp life from you this self-imposed ban,
Thawing the ice that’s enshrouded your soul,
On that day, swordlady, you shall be whole.
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words
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