Persistent Negatives

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Moderators: Ehlanna, Stormbringer

Persistent Negatives

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:18 pm

Over the years we have seen a number of players who rarely go so far over the edge as to attract long-term bans but who, by their presence, their general attitude, their negativity and their sniping, create an unpleasant atmosphere within the community. Just by being here they encourage dissent, arguments and bad feeling.

Up until now we have put up with such players until they stepped so far over the line often enough that we had some specific reason to remove them. No longer. After an extensive discussion amongst the Ops and Admin we have decided that allowing such players to be a part of this community is not an option we wish to continue.

As a result of that discussion, the following players are no longer welcome within the TLI community. They have until Sunday to wind up whatever they are doing here and move on somewhere else. After that, if necessary, bans will be imposed:

Rei Kai

Everyone who is a part of TLI should be aware that this is not an isolated decision. It isn't a one-off deal. A number of other players are borderline and should take note of what is happening here. Those who continue to follow a similar pattern, or who match that pattern in the future can and will be removed at any time without warning. The message should be clear; play nice, stop the OOC bitching and whining, be a positive part of what we are trying to build here or we will remove you too. Not for any isolated bit of bitchiness or loss of temper, but for persistently bringing negativity in and polluting the atmosphere of our community.

These decisions will not be subject to discussion. The Admin decision is final.
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(John Keats)
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Re: Persistent Negatives

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:15 am

And the next contender, for years of finding the rules of the game too much of a hassle, for all the hours sat in OOC trolling for private roleplays, and for persistently negative attitudes towards those Ops who have tried to be patient and help her adapt...

The winner is....

Zoe Vanlake

who walks away from TLI with from now until Sunday night to finish any non-existent roleplays and say goodbye.
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
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