News and IC events relating to the ownership and acquisition of slaves, as controlled by the ISA. Questions about slavery and suggestions for improvements.

Moderators: Tawny, Freelance, Azara


Postby Stormbringer on Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:08 pm

As an alternative (or in addition) to a standard collar, the slave may carry the owners mark in the form of a tattoo, brand or jewelry.


The tattoo comprises two parts:

1. A normal tattoo design placed on the slave by the BA and paid for by the slave owner

2. A Slave Mark incorporated within that design showing the owner's initials. This Mark can only be added at the ISA who employ the services of an advanced mage (NPC) to apply the Slave Mark to the slave.


The brand comprises two parts:

1. A normal brand placed on the slave by the BA and paid for by the slave owner

2. A Slave Mark incorporated within the brand showing the owner's initials. This Mark can only be added at the ISA who employ the services of an advanced mage (NPC) to apply the Slave Mark to the slave.


There are limited acceptable jewelry items suitable for the purpose (see below)

1. It is your responsibility to buy the items from the GS. They are not supplied by the ISA as part of your registration fee.

2. The jewelry must be owned before registration and include a blank area suitable for carrying the owner's mark. At the time of registration, the ISA mage will apply the Slave Mark to each item of jewelry and lock that jewelry onto the slave so it cannot be removed. Nor can the Mark be erased or overwritten in any way.


1. Items supplied by the BA or the GS can carry enchantments according to the standard rules. The actual Slave Mark itself does not carry any enchantment except the inability for it to be removed in an unauthorised manner. So if, for example, a tattoo which includes a Slave Mark is made with enchanted ink and later that tattoo is removed, the enchantment does not remain with the Slave Mark alone.

2. While the Slave Mark merges with the brand, jewelry or tattoo it has the advantage that it can only be removed again by returning to the ISA and having the mage erase it as a part of any decollaring formalities. So while certain classes such as advanced healers may be able to remove a normal tattoo or brand, and a jewelry worker could alter a normal engraving, the Slave Mark remains intact unless it is removed by the ISA. This makes it impossible for a runaway slave to completely hide her status.

3. It is relatively easy to have one owner's Mark removed on decollaring while leaving the surrounds (tattoo, brand or jewelry) intact. A new owner can then have their Mark incorporated into the surrounds during registration without any further work needing to be done.


1. The Slave Mark MUST be in plain view at ALL times. In other words, if your Mark taks the form of a brand on their ass, then that ass must be bared 24/7 or there will be consequences to pay as the slave can be taken into ISA custody for the crime of "Impersonating a Free Person."

2. A tattoo, jewelry or brand design can be as unique as you'd like it to be. However, it must leave a suitable blank space for the Slave Mark to be added. This will normally be between one and two inches in diameter. It can be larger but not smaller.

3. The Slave Mark must include the owner's initials so that it can be easily recognized by others. The Mark may have a background design to match in with the surrounds but not one which obscures the lettering.

4. The only jewelry allowed as an alternative to a collar are wrist/ankle cuffs. Again, the Mark must be able to be seen -clearly- at all times and the cuffs are worn as a pair with the Mark on each.

5. The slave is still required to attach the { } tag to their nick. NO EXCEPTIONS. You are considered "collared" regardless of whether an actual collar is worn. And, as such, your nick must still reflect ownership. Be sure to put into your description that it is NOT a collar that you wear, but a mark, or other symbol of enslavement.
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