Simply soothing (open)

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Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:25 am

The small vulpine looked out over the Inn, taking in its many patrons and events with a soft smile. He couldn't remember the last time he had been surrounded by so many people; then again, he remembered very little at all.
But it was nice to be surrounded by living beings. The noise and the energy of people drinking, talking, was certainly a dramatic and welcome change from the road. Setting himself back into his chair, his chains rustling gently under his coat, he took a sip of the odd bubbly beverage the bartender had offered him. If the raucous behavior of the trio of men sitting at the table to his right was any indication, the drink was quite good. Several goblets and tankards had already littered their tale, and they seemed to grow more exuberant as the collection grew. That had to be a good thing, and he took another mouthful, feeling a pleasant buzz at the tips of his fingers for it.
It was looking to be a fine night. The vulpine let his smile grow wider, drinking in the atmosphere of the crowded room as much as from his cup.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:41 am

the young merwoman sliped in through the door, her wide eyes taking in her surrondings, pushed her hair back behind her ear with her hand , sniffing lightly at the air, and grimacing at the odor,and moved towards an empty stool shyly.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:40 am

He stopped his sips as he spied the young merwoman enter, his ears flicking in interest at the sight of her. She was beautiful, and his mind danced through several dozen thoughts at once, some of which he should have felt fairly ashamed of. he gave his head a little shake.
He swallowed, his eyes never leaving her as she took a seat, and managed to finish his drink without spilling it over himself in interest. When she glanced his way he threw her a soft smile and a wave, hoping to come off as friendly, although the mead was making him wonder if he was being at all suave about the whole affair
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:56 am

she smoothed her stolen clothes and sat down, glancing to either side, when she saw a vulpine male looking at her. he smiled and gave a small wave. she blushed and gave a small smile and wave in return,then blushed more strongly and looked down at her clasped hands in her lap.He was very handsom and she was unused to the attention, her heart skipping a beat and her stomache doing flips.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:35 pm

At her smile, his tail stopped its flicking. Again, beautiful. He looked down at his cup again, chewing his bottom lip and thinking of his next move. He had hardly dared to think she would have noticed him, and he suddenly felt glad she did.
He stood up, finishing his mug and picked his way through the tables and other patrons to stand next to her, his hands held, unthreatening, inside his heavy cloak, quieting the rustle of his chains. He gave her a small bow and another smile. Ears flicking, he gestured the nearest bartender near.
"If you would please, another bit of ale for myself and whatever else this young goddess would like as well. I'll gladly field her bill myself." He said to the man who approached. Turning back to the merwoman and offering a black-furred hand her way, he decided now was as good a time as ever to introduce himself.
"Silas Bloodthunder, at your very humble service, my dear."
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:58 am

She was startled to see the vulpine male standing next to her, smiling, it made her nervus but in a good way. He gestured to the barkeep and kindly offered her a drink. She smiled and asked for salted water, and when held out his hand she cautiously took it, she had never seen a vulpine before and whilst clasping his hand she alowed her eyes to roam over him, oh yes he was very handsom indeed, she thought with an internal giggle, and lifted her head, meeting his eyes. He stared at her with intesity, which made a warm, unfamiliar, feeling flow through her body .This must be lust! she tought with excitment,having never felt it before, and smiled more widely, then she noticed she was still holding his hand, and blushed again, supprised to find she didnt want to let go.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Mon Feb 14, 2011 5:03 am

Silas felt his face flush a bit as she took his hand. Her skin was soft and warm against his, and almost unbidden his eyes roamed over her body hungrily, his mind swimming with ideas and fanciful ways of removing the flimsy clothes hindering his view of more of that soft skin. As she took her drink, his eyes caught sight of a bit more, and something hot and constant swam through his blood.
His hand closed around hers a little tighter, and his tail gave a little flick of excitement, as did another part of him. He hoped his cloak would at least hide his obvious arousal to her, but he couldn't help but feel a little giddy despite himself. He bent down and kissed the back of her hand, his ears laying low as he fixed her with a lustful stare, his eyes promising any number of things to her if she was willing.
"If you don't mind, my lady, I'd love to steal you away for a few hours. I find myself wanting to learn more about you."
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:26 am

Her breaths were coming in small pants, she was warring with excitement and nerves , but in the end lust won out.This is what shed come for.
she nodded and stood, taking his hand as he led her through the buisy room.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:41 am

The vulpine tried not to shiver too much as he led the startlingly beautiful woman through the tavern to the rooms upstairs, his hand tight and warm around hers. The room itself was sparse, a bed of heavy down, a writing desk and chair, but the view from the full window spread out onto the city below, alight with the fires of midnight, the moon high overhead like a cheshire grin.
He led her inside, smiling, his tail giving a little wag as he shed his heavy coat to the chair back, and gave her a small bow, shutting the door behind them and gesturing to the bed with one hand. The chains hooked about his arms and back clinked softly, and he suddenly realized that, without his cloak, it was obvious just how lustful he was feeling; his arousal nearly ripping through the seams of his pants in its urge to reach her. He fought down a wave of lust, offering her instead a weak apologetic smile.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:44 am

they were alone.
he gestured towards the bed and it took a moment for her to gather his meaning, so blushing a deep red, she sat on the edge of the bed.
this was it.
her hands kept fiddling with her skirt, then the bed, then her skirt again, she forced herself to stop an held them flat in her lap, finnaly looking up at the vulpine befor her.
oh my, she thought, as she saw hes aroused state, thinking that it was rude to stare but not being able to look away.
he's quite impressive, not that she had anything to judge on, but even so.
curiousity got the better of her, and looking up at him through her lashes she knelt in front of him, hand reaching out, about to touch him before she pulled away. he made a noise that sounded almost painful, startling her, and she looked up into his eyes.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:39 am

He made a startled gasp as she moved to kneel before him, and his length gave another hot surge, swelling all the larger as his eyes roamed down over her luscious curves. His own blush all but doubled. As she reached for him, he couldn't help but let a soft moan escape, and as she looked up at him, his tail shivered.

He swallowed, fighting down his own nervousness, and reached down and took hold of her hand, guiding it back to his arousal, and pressing firmly into her palm, letting her feel the heat and passion growing there. His ears layed flat, and he couldn't help but gasp again. Just the sight of her was intoxicating, maddening. He felt his sense of control slipping gently as his gaze continued to roam over her body,
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:45 am

she made a small noise in the back of her throat at the feel of him in her hand.
shed never experienced anything quite like it, a mixture of soft and hard,she apllied a small amount of pressure, and he groaned.
"did i hurt you?" she asked, prepared to pull away if she had, but he simply shook his head, panting slightly.
she moved her hand along his length, stroking from top to botom and giving a slight squeeeze. his breath was getting heavier, she noticed, and small amount of fluid at his tip.She had the strangest urge to lick it and see how it tasted.
looking up she saw that his eyes were tightly closed, so she moved her face closer, massaging all the while, until her breath fanned across the head of him, and licked the liquid exposed.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:27 am

His breath caught in his throat as he felt the first brush of her tongue and hands, and his girth swelled further in her grip, his own hands clenching gently. He looked down at her with a soft smile, his heavy breathing making it hard to think.
He felt a bit more of his fluid seep up his length one inch at a time to pool like a pearl at his tip again, her beauty and soft touches all but pulling more of his seed forth. His tail swept back and forth in lazy waves, and he managed to shrug out of the rest of his clothes for her, letting the chains bonded to his back shine free, heavy links winding around his waist and chest, covering a dozen scars in his fur. He hope she would ignore them and keep on with what she was doing. It was...far too enjoyable, and he had to fight to keep his knees from buckling.
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Candra on Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:01 am

it seemed he was getting impossibly harder in her hands,and she stilled for a moment, her lips resting against him before parting and slowly moving down his length.
she was part way down when she gaged and had to pull back, still gripping him she looked up in appology
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Re: Simply soothing (open)

Postby Silas Bloodthunder on Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:15 pm

He bit back another moan, he couldn't help but press his hips forward, sinking more of his length into her mouth. The sensation made his fur stand on end, and his ears flattened to his skull.
He looked down at her, letting one finger gently trace the curve of her jaw as he offered another small smile, while his shaft throbbed in her grip before her. "Don't push yourself, my dear. We have all night, after all..."
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