Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

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Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby kitten on Fri May 27, 2011 10:52 pm

Finally back from the longest days in the north, the albino catgirl Trixy managed to hunt enough meat to sell to a troll for her months of inn rent for a room to call her own. Meals were included in the cost which was great for a catgirl with little in coins. The first thing she did was get a hot bath after all of that rain and mud.

After that she washed all of her gear of the mud so that everything was clean, even managed to get a lettered report sent off as well. Now she merely prepares for her job and ways to make some coin. There was one way she had recently learned, everyone she met so far thought she was someone else, another albino catgirl from this area.

So she hopes to use this to her advantage, maybe this Jonie person was familiar and she could pose as her for some useful coin. Ahh, a thief's work is always finding the right plan and this was a great chance to abuse this idea.

First place of business, the inn. it seems to be a hotspot for those traveling and visiting the town nearby, and travelers happen to have coin. So downstairs from her room she would go, eager to play a part and work a great scam of conning people of thier coin.

The bar was stop number one where she has the ogress Fugly fetching her a mug of milk. Flancing around at those in the inn, it was game on.
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby Cangelosi on Fri May 27, 2011 11:04 pm

"No no no, wrong wrong WRONG! How can you even CHARGE this much for using naturally available materials like this?"

The dwarf replied in a gargly, almost indecipherable dialect only Morgan Drakewing could seem to understand. This poor lout has been the go-between between him and some of the other dwarfs he had befriended on the trip north to the Marches. Hard to tell what exactly what they were arguing about, but it had been rather heated as the two sat in his regular booth amid sheafs of ink-stained papers and other accounting books, which the knight now shoves into the messenger's hands.

"You go and tell Glamding or Glamdung or whatever you call him to look over the numbers AGAIN! We are not going to try to make a quick profit of this. My people can smell when they're being cheated, and I especially don't want them to think they're being cheated by the people trusted with their reconstruction, okay?"

The dwarf just...stared back at the human, giving a snort, then gets out of the booth, waddling off, nearly ramming into Trixy in the meantime. At the bump, he mumbles an apology, or maybe it was a belch. Hard to tell with the dwarfs. Still, it was enough for Morgan to look up to the catgirl, giving her a smile.

"Miss Trixy...welcome home," he offers.
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby kitten on Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 pm

So she had a plan, be this character known as Jonie. She hears som blubbering nearby but that was most of the inn, always a lot of blubbering about. She was about to go rifling throught drunken pocket when a dwarf bumps into her. "Hey! watch were yer walkin' shorty!" Not even in the mood for the dwarf but did manage to scare him away at a hand reach towards his beard. A chuckle on her voice at it running off before hearing a familiar voice.

Her glance in the direction of the voice has her looking to Morgan, oi, this honcho dragoon guy again. It's like a bad coin, he keeps turning up. Oh well, perhaps he will at least prove entertaining. "Oh.. morgan the dragoon honcho. Yer down south already.. I figured ya still up north sculpting catgirl statues and what not."

Stepping towards his direction with a mug of milk in her hands until taking a seat across from him in the booth. "Ya ever find Waldo? He was dwarf, black hair, red and white shirt, braid in his beard..?" The one dwarf she actually liked while on the boats full of them in the north.
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby Cangelosi on Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 pm

Morgan smiles softly, especially considering heads turned as she mentioned the statues. "I'm still trying to get a proper rate on the marble. Lots of resources were confiscated by the rebel dukes during the wars after all...I've got a few of the dwarfs to cut me a deal on labor costs. They mean well, but of course you need to be pushy..." He brushes back his hair, sighing. "Waldo said he was going to keep going with the expedition further north. Something about a proper debt to pay. I left it at that." He reaches out, squeezing Trixy's free hand. "So...you back with Master Zeph at his place? Or were you thinking on striking out on better property?"
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby kitten on Sat May 28, 2011 1:48 am

She listens as he drabbles on about spending coin, not her favorite topic since she hates to pay out any coin unless it was important. Shear hears about Waldo and sighs, "dag-gum dwarf dont know when ta stop..ah well. hope he gets paid well enuff for it."

She looks towards the hand squeeze the back to Morgan, "who? oh! that Zeph guy, right. um. I just work for him, it aint like I live at his place or nuthin'. I just scout out stuff for him, take in info and stuff." She ponders Morgan then chuckles "what? You thinkin' I be better off up in dragoon country in the mud and rain? Forget that. what the heck would I be doin' up there anyhoot? You'd be out yer dag-gum mind unless there be good coin in it."

She even ponders if there is enough coin in the world to pay her to live in rain and mud more than four days. Though scaring dwarves all day could be fun. "What ya do morgan? Gonna go all fancy up and get yerself some lot of land and be like king or something?"
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby Cangelosi on Sat May 28, 2011 7:18 pm

"King? Oh, good heavens, no. I am practically dead set against setting myself up as a monarch. I've no stomach for it. It took a while for the nobles to even talk me into being viceroy...or whatever the term is for head officer overseeing an occupied ally territory. I'm sure there's some word for it in the local lexicon, but I haven't found it yet." Morgan pours some wine out in a glass, offering it to Trixy. "Besides, Valencia is still my home, and I intend to keep my roots dug in here as long as possible. My countrymen don't need me babying them every step of the way, especially after the lessons the imperials taught them."
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: Mistaken For Another (Drakewing Only)

Postby kitten on Sun May 29, 2011 2:15 pm

the catgirl listens to Morgan as he offers a glass of wine, nodding, the spots a fairy with mail. Before she could capture it, she is delivered the response to her letter. She reads it quickly then gets up. "gotta go morgan. good seeing you again."

Heading out of the inn with a scouting mission to get set to, wasting no time to get to it either.
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