Legends of Belariath

High Elves Religion


The High Elves worship a limited number of gods and goddesses. These beings are thought to be aspects of the original deities known as The Elahil which spawned the entire Elven race long before the Kin Wars and the splitting of the Elves into high, sylvan and dark subraces. All High Elves venerate their progenitors, Alarea and Eldon, and acknowledge Lanik, the lawgiver, as the patron of the High Elven race. In addition, they give recognition to at least four other major deities, Delaron, Shinalia, Calastra, and Andronichus. High Elves will select one of these deities for special devotion, depending on their own particular skills and aptitudes. High Elven theology is centered upon the concept of the spirit pool, shared by their deities, from which their own immortal spirits are drawn and to which they will someday return. Thus, the spirit of each individual is thought to have been drawn by a particular deity before their birth into the natural world. The skills and aptitudes that an individual displays in childhood and adolescence are said to reveal the hand of one or another of the deities in their birth. That deity considered to have had most influence in bringing forth that particular individual is almost always selected for special reverence throughout his or her life.

There are, of course, a number of lesser or minor deities in the High Elven pantheon, and these may be known by various names and attributes among the ten High Elven clans.


Chief among the Elahil and mother of all Elvenkind, she is considered by the High Elves to be the source of all magical power. She is the ideal of all feminine virtue and patron of High Elven maternity. High Elves believe that she is known by many different names among the various mortal races, but is always the same eternal font of magic. High Elves in Belariath undoubtedly consider Katarein to be the name by which Alarea is known locally.


Mate of Alarea and father of Elvenkind, he is considered to be the model of all physical virtues, Elven beauty, grace, agility and physical prowess. While the Sylvans consider him a god of warriors and rangers, the High Elves think of him as more a master of diplomacy and tact. He represents the ideals of political acumen as well as benevolent paternity. Eldon is also known by many names among the mortal races in the High Elven view, invariably found in the position of father of the other deities.


The harpist, daughter of Alarea and Eldon, is the High Elven goddess of music, song and dance. She is considered to be the source of inspiration and creativity. She is set apart for special reverence by High Elves who dedicate their lives to music, whether played upon instruments or sung, as well as dancers.


The lawgiver, son of Alarea and Eldon and patron of the High Elven race. It was Lanik who elevated the High Elves from all baser creatures, and taught them the arts of cultivation. He is thus set apart for special veneration by those High Elves who are primarily concerned with agriculture, domestication of animals, and the education of the young. As lawgiver and the bringer of order, he is also said to be the special patron of Rulers and of the Council of the Exalted.


The spell caster, thought to be a brother of Alarea, he is a god of nature and all the elemental forces. When the universe came into being out of the primal chaos, it was he who separated the powers of fire, air, earth, and water. As an elemental god, he is often revered by mages that specialize in a particular elemental sphere.


The artisan, daughter of Delaron and patron of most High Elven arts and crafts. It was she who taught the Elves to make things of great beauty with their hands. She is the source of the High Elves' much vaunted superiority in the arts and crafts and is therefore worshipped by almost all High Elven craftsmen and craftswomen (the exceptions being musical instrument makers and weaponsmiths). She is also said to be the keeper of High Elven history, weaving the tales of Elven heroes into her eternal tapestry.


God of battle and military prowess, and son of Eldon, it is he that taught the High Elves the arts of war and military strategy. He gave the High Elves the long bow and taught them to make weapons of metal. He is therefore the deity chosen by most High Elven warriors for special reverence. He is considered to be the model of honorable actions as well as a model of filial duty to one's father.