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Unusual Familiar Request: Monkey

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 3:18 am
by The Mercenary Abby
As Miyuka has said in the OOC Channel, a 'Monkey' is not listed as a possible Familiar, so I'm writing this to request one (only if it's possible!). Initially, I went under the impression that monkeys aren't a thing in Belariath because they're also listed as one of the animals you CANNOT buy from the General Store (; then I went under the mindset that it might have something to do with the fact that 'evolution' is not a thing in the RP because of all of the magic (humans not being 'evolved monkeys' and such).

But as Allivia pointed out: there IS a word in the vulpani language that is used as an insult to humans:
<•Allivia> Not quite an angel... aza`tan (ah-zah-TAHN): "ape-person"; an extremely racist insult for humans

And then there have been mentions of gorillas being in Dethsiris (though haven't been seen ICly yet).

Now I'm unsure if I have to make a BIG write-up about a monkey (particularly I'm hoping to get Abby a pygmy marmoset), but if I must, I suppose I will.

But for now, I would like to see how far this request can go!

Re: Unusual Familiar Request: Monkey

PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:17 pm
by Ehlanna
I'm leery ... that said, a creature like a marmoset (which is not that large and does seem to be a little apart from the 'run of the mill' monkey/ape family) might be possible.

Re: Unusual Familiar Request: Monkey

PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 3:15 pm
by Tehya
They could interact playing in Dethsiris in ffrp taming or interacting, but not bring them back as pets?

That way they get to use them in story-line but not own them.???????