Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby L`aquera on Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:32 pm

To my fellow Nobles;

A recent jaunt into the Northern Territory where Virelith now resides and is a Held Empire Marina and Castle for trade and exploration, brought to my door a few things but only one of which I'll be discussing in this hopefully brief note.

Unfortunately or fortunately for the Northern Barbarians, you all remember them I'm certain, I ran across a hunting group while exploring a few caves. It wasn't a pleasant meeting, apparently they didn't like my ears, or perhaps it was my tits. I assume both. No, they really are not fans of elves, entirely dislike us. However, after I ashed down the one leading them, the others were a little less openly hostile. Apparently they admire a show of force. I explained, once they stopped staring at my tits, that I was a Noble from the Empire and Stormbringers right hand should he have need of it and that our illustrious Emperor would like to open trade with them. Apparently all they would really like, is a few spare things that we have plenty of. Gold, food, slaves if willing, though I was more wary on the last. I will also point out, they were quite afraid of my mephos. Something I'm still chuckling over. Gold we have, what they want it for? Who knows, maybe they like pretty gold belts. Food, we have, considering how harsh the weather is there, I can't imagine they have a lot of farmers.

They took me as close to their main lodge as I guess I as an elf, was allowed. Its rather large actually, castle or very large Keep size, but it has more a dome roofing to it that was interesting. I seen absolutely no windows so I can only assume they either watch that place like hawks, or I'm missing something from that far a distance. They are having a conclave meeting next week. Of which we have been granted, permission, to attend without fear of being chopped up for their dinner later. Do I trust that? Of course not, let us not all be silly. However, I am not allowed, because, I'm a blasted Fardon elf. Nor do they want some 'woman' speaking for us. I've contacted Lord ShaKa and asked that he attend it, and asked one of the Imperial Guards to be our 'voice' to negotiate. Also my Seneschal Zully will be contacting those he'll trust to go with them to the meeting. We want a show of 'force' if you will so they understand we can and will not only protect ourselves but can run them over should they decide to be asses. Commander Balard, my own Davak War Seneschal since hes a wolven and would likely be more knowledgeable of what they are saying and what all their damned grunts and howls might mean.

I also am near commanding that each Noble either try to attend, or send a representative or attend the Outside version to help keep watch and charge in should things go askew. We don't intend them to, of course, but I won't be party to watching my own men or this Empire be trounced on by a bunch of animals that only know how to swing axes and blades. And while I would rather Steward Stormwind not attend, I've a feeling he'll give me the finger and go anyway, so, when he does, I hope he brings along someone trustworthy and another to guard, like Assistant Commander to the IG, Carthad. Write back and let me know whom I can and cannot put on the head count list.

The Meeting of the Conclave starts next week on a Thursday, 6PM (central time zone) I hope all can make it or at least, send a representative.

Best regards;

Lady L`
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Balard on Fri Sep 22, 2017 11:28 pm

signed up :D
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby StormWind on Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:07 am

He read the letter and swore in several languages, not the least of which were chirot and moriel. For a very brief moment, his eyes flashed that violent violet, and then returned to bottle green. The first quill he picked up in an attempt to respond to her letter snapped in his hand. Stay home? Allow the emperor to believe that his newest Stewart wasn't up to the job? To hell with that. And if they are so damned afraid of the mephos.. well, they were going to -love- his own. He sent word to Valene, and dashed a quick note to L. because to write more, would risk his actually telling her what he thought of being asked to 'stay home where it's safe'... "Look for me, in the skies." That done, he went off to find Carthad, they had some business to discuss.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby L`aquera on Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:35 pm

She'd dropped to over sized office chair that wasn't one of her own, she spent more time in the Palace then her own home it would seem. Thank the Goddess for Malevica, she was keeping up with her work and then some and if not for the clever minoess, she would never think to eat these days, much less keep her own home and these palace rooms, warm. Stormer wouldn't much mind she was abusing her privileges in his own office, he'd just come in and order her out if it bothered him. She was a bossy, tiny bit of a package and didn't mind throwing her 'weight' around, just not to often when here. Several scrolls were unrolled and she casually got comfortable by throwing her legs over one of those arms of the chair, foot tapping away on air. The first was from the Commander but she wasn't surprised he was in and that caused a wide smile to her features. Set aside, the heavy iron bell set atop it to keep it out for Stormbringer to read, she unrolled the next, noting the wax emblem and paused. Uh oh..

Rolling her legs off the arm, she sat upwards and let those silver pools sweep over the brief words of the Steward. Yup, she'd got the finger alright. Bloody fool, but she was smiling all the same. Perhaps it was foolish to try and prevent the chirot from going but protocol dictated she extend the invitation none the less, after all, he was one of them without that full title to go with it and it would have been outright rude to not invite. Still, she'd wanted the mystery of whom was running Virelith from those grasping barbarians as long as possible, that ace in the hole and to make sure he actually made it home in one piece. Perhaps he didn't understand the significance of his presence there, but she did. Breath was set free and she gave a shrug. He had the right more then the others to attend so she'd simply have to suck it up and ask Balard to keep an eye on him. Or maybe even Shaka. She'd hoped to hear from Scathien by now as well, after all, he was human. Even Matwyn wouldn't have shed a tear to go show off a bit. Muttering something unkind, she picked up the heavy iron bell again and set the next note down atop the first and then let the glorified paper weight fall atop Stormwinds note. Looks like she'd have to do it the old fashion way, go beat on their doors and pout.

"Stormer.. I'll be back later tonight." was called out, the heels of boots clicking in her wake as she headed for the doors and out into the welcoming rays of the sun. Leaving the Emperor his coffee and his covered breakfast behind. Like old times, strangely familiar and yet not at all, at the same time.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Scathien on Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:21 pm

Scathien had read the notice, and simply nodded. He made a mental note to make sure he would be there, and would also dispatch a messenger to attempt to locate his currently active Squad Commander Lumio.

Should the Heirophant be found, a set of orders would be delivered, asking for his squad to be present at the meeting and be on guard should anything go awry, as well as the location, date and time for the meeting.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Naomh on Sun Sep 24, 2017 4:33 am

Naomh huffs softly as she strides into her office after a long and busy day. Normally she wouldn't mind heavy work but the frosts that had hit likely made the plants in her farm realize it's harvest time, there was re-organization to do within the ranks, and places to still cover and investigate for certain trouble makers that caused a fuss recently, all on top of her usual duties. Needless to say, she needed as many Naomhs as she had tails. How did her husband manage...

A note was found on her desk, addressed to Ray`el, but with her taking on more and more burdens and her husband away on business it seemed to have been redirected to her. She was tempted to leave it, let him sort it out when he got back, but duty forced her to look, in case it was something that didn't have long to wait. Looks like she may have been right. Settling down behind the solid wooden desk, the halfbreed grabbed a quill and wrote up her response.

Lady L`

I'm afraid to inform you that it will be unlikely anyone from Thallis will be able to head over and help. My hands are tied with matters currently at the Azure Isle, the port and surrounding area, my husband has been away handling business and we just do not have any hands to spare right now.

If Ray`el returns in time, I will tell him about this meeting, but for now, you have my apologies for Thallis' absence from the meeting.

-Naomh Alexandra Cooper Oblyx
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby miyuka on Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:59 pm

The poor mail fae that was tasked with delivering to Miyuka would have a rather tough time getting to the woman. The adorable Noble had been moving around quite a bit, from Sha'shir, to Valencia, to somewhere out in the ocean. There was a reason she had willingly given up her spot as Commander of the IG to the much more capable Balard. She could concentrate fully on her position as Head of Magical Research and Development and the experiments had involved teleporting and portal, which also coincided with some Ambassador duties to some of the far away lands as well as meeting with both Umbara and Unigo personnel whom were dispatched to various dig sites in order to find new magical and mundane items to bring back to the Empire. It was at one of these sites in the southern desert that Miyuka was finally located, going over a list of relics. She reads the letter and one could see the glint in her eyes already. She'd pen back a response in the time it took for the exhausted male fae to chow down on some provided sugared strawberries. Yuka's elegant handwriting was always especially noticeable because of the way she dotted most of her i's with little hearts.

Dear Lady Aquera, first I hope this letter finds you easier than the poor fae that had to find me, thanks to you sharing your ship with me, I've been able to collect a lot of insight on the phoenix gems and portals in general and have been furthering my research and testing them. I write to let you know that I can send a representative of each tower along with you, for one thing, you never know if you may need some extra magical back-up should things go sour. Primarily, of course, A new area for trade always opens up the potential for more exploration of ancient and sometimes not so ancient ruins, much like the one I'm am currently writing this from.

I must say that I'm weary of Lord Sha-Ka of all people being sent along with the group that's supposed to be the face of diplomacy for us. I feel as if he'd much rather turn that meeting into a bloodbath and just stomp them underfoot rather than actually try to make a deal with them. In act him going along with Zully makes me worry more as far as diplomacy is concerned but if it is might they respect first and foremost, I suppose I can see the idea behind sending those two...together. That Balard is also going to be there gives me much relief, I must say.

One last thing...your correspondence suggested that these barbarians are wolven, is that true? If so I just may decide to come and see them for myself. It's always good to get eyes on our potential new neighbors and be a bit more hands on with them. For friendly...neighborly trade purposes, of course.

-Anita Eleanore Miyuka Althena Kitara Alanis Mezzoit Valentine

The letter would be sealed and Yuka's wizard Mark placed upon it.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Azara on Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:42 pm

*Tesan had just left a meeting with Lord Kir Trelander and is now his chosen delegate to attend the Meeting of the Conclave. When she reaches her room, she immediately settles at her desk and pens a note to the Lady. Not one for using more words than necessary, her missive was short and to the point.*

Lady L`aquera,

My apologies that this letter will reach you at such short notice. Lord Trelander has appointed me as his delegate for the upcoming meeting in the North with the Northern Barbarians. I have been given full authority to speak and act on Lord Trelander's behalf. Please advise if you would prefer I travel with the other representatives or if I should make arrangements to travel separately. As the lateness of this letter may prevent you from making your wishes known regarding my travel plans, if I have not heard from you before departure becomes necessary, I will travel separately with a retinue required by Lord Trelander.

On behalf of Lord Trelander, and at your service,

Field Marshal of the House of Rising Ashes
Warlord of Clan Silvercloud, Valencia
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby L`aquera on Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:07 pm

She wanted to have a few shouting matches with some of these people but, they would live and learn. No amount of overly cautious wording seemed to sway them beyond what was needed. A pinch to the bridge of her nose and she began inking out several replies that pretty much said the same thing, simply with different names and titles.

My Dear Nobles, Representatives of;

Tomorrow is the conclave. From what I understand the storm still rages in Virelith so I suspect heavy winter gear is worn or at the very least, something warmer then a skirt. Any woman that are going? Try to hide what you are as best you can. As I stated before, they are not a fan of women and dislike or rather hate, the elves outright. Use what you can at your discretion. I know the men that I ran into, were wolven, which begs the question of why since I'm also very aware they don't like sub-races. Actually they don't like anything NOT them, which was supposed to be human. So either something changed, or somethings amiss. Either way, lets stick with what we do know and what I advise.

Tomorrow we will all meet up just outside the portal in Virelith. You can take the portal by the tower of Unigo to reach Virelith in one easy pass. It takes you right outside the barracks of the guards. Meet a little earlier so we aren't late to this meeting. And yes, do bring your jhore, your mephos and any familiars you own. I don't actually mind making them feel uncomfortable and a small show of look what we have asshole. Keep in mind, this is a trading negotiation. I however, don't expect you to try and talk a barbarian out of his swinging blade. And if something goes wrong, someone make sure to message spell me and then get the hell out of that building less you get caught in a fireball or.. several. Find an exit, make an exit but don't look back, just get out. Of course, thats a 'Just in case' plan.

I'll see you all there at the designated time.

Lady L`
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Akaton on Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:49 pm

Zully having seen the main communications on who was and wasn't going he needed to formulate strategy here. As he didn't want everyone walking in as a clusterfuck. Everyone needed to know their job in this situation so from his desk he wrote and sent letters to everyone who would attend.


All who are attending I will need to speak with you one on one or if possible gathering on this side of the portal at Unigo. I need every one to be clear on how i want this to go and what each of you should do in the event of everything going to hell. Also by meeting before hand i can use my magic to protect you from the cold. However wear normal cold gear as you should but use the bulkiness of it to conceal whatever weapons you have. I don't want to use intimidation as a tactic unless its needed. Let them underestimate us. It will work in our favor. The less of a threat we seem the more comfortable they will be. But be prepared for the worst.

Zully, Seneschal of the HoF

So what i would like being as this starts at 6pm central if people could meet at unigo an hour or two before that to RP getting everything planned i would greatly appreciate it. Or even meet with me IC sooner at the HoF. Its where Zully can be easily found.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Twerlinger on Thu Sep 28, 2017 7:18 am

After returning from his trip to the Southern lands to find that the messenger had decided to get a little frisky with one f his guards, and ended up languishing in the depths of the keep for a while till he'd finally managed to crawl to freedom, and thus deliver the missive, the feline thought he really should at least try and put something on paper with regards this.

Dear Lady L`aquera,

As this has only just settled back onto my desk after my return from the southern lands it might appear that I've been tardy or not bothered to respond, and would hate for you to think that I hold these issues in any less regard than I do. I wish all that head off all the best, but sadly due to some issues within the castle I will not be able to attend at this point in time. I will enquire with the Lady of the house if she thinks she will be able to make in to represent us, but if this should not be possible, then if there is anything else that we can do at this point in time, please let us know. Perhaps if there is more to be done within the future, then the Empires Governed Lands might be able to make more of a stance and standing within those times.


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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Amara on Thu Sep 28, 2017 5:02 pm

Vacations were always relaxing - until one returned home and had to deal with real life again.

Her messages and mail were neatly stacked - in order of importance and separated by each station she oversaw.

The one from the Fire Lady was eyed with curiosity and beneath it, one from Zully.

Twerlinger had whispered something to her about a meeting and so, without further adieu - she began reading.

She would pen a letter to each of them, respectively:

My dearest Lady L`aquera ,

while the Lord of our humble House cannot attend, you can count on my presence being there.
I will take heed of your notice to dress down and take caution proceeding forward.


My dearest Zully.

Looking forward to seeing you shortly.


Both letters were extremely short and to the point.
She was already working out trade tables and pricing and would carry with her a listing of all consumables that they had available for trade at the Bazaar.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Sorgram on Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:36 pm

Sorgram's had felt no need to pen a response, let her wonder if he would show, but then she had show at the Hatching and tasked him with something that was more up his alley and interest. He did not abhor politics and shows of force, though his were more an individual situation versus group gatherings but some things had caught his attention and he smiled. He would certainly assist and show up on this date and he planned to make an entrance, one that would set in the minds of the savages the power of this southern neighbor. On parchment watermarked.. well maybe lightly branded is a better term, with the volacano in the corners, he wrote.

"Lady of the Most Scorching Wit,

I, Sorgram, your Lord of CHAOS, Overseer of Valencia and nearest neighbor to Lord Stormwind, shall attempt to make a show at this conclave. As I have already arranged an audience with the new governor of the North, and have sought his hospitality during this visit, I shall certainly burden him with my counsel as to the strategy of his non appearance or at the very least suggest that he make himself not out rightly known as the representative head of our new outpost. Understanding of course, his will is as great as the mountain's when it moves, I shall of course guard his back and see to his safety personally.

Also, this letter is to inform you and his Imperialness, that I shall be absent several consecutive days from the Valley, leaving my rock troll Shield, Tagalog, in responsibility for the few days, I shall be away. A certain interest has been peaked and I must assuage it, lest it grow to the point of pain and I should find myself needing to Drive myself into distractions, unless of course, I should engage with someone for a heated counsel?

I should be back not long after the conclave and am but a hearth step away should an emergency arise.

Your Master of Chaos,


PS: A request that any flames that arise from this correspondence be directed into the volcanic decorations on this letter, lest you wish to keep it for your personal collection. S."

Should she touche the volcanoes with the flame from any source, the letter will ash immediately and become nonexistent. At least he hoped it would work, he was still experimenting with the inks, but being a firemage, her eyebrows should not singe too terribly.
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby Ray`el on Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:48 pm

The Moriel just got back from his trip out to deal with personal business saw the letter and replied.
" Ember,
I will send all the aid i can. Just give thallis a place or time. we shall help. R"
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Re: Meeting with the Northern Barbarians

Postby VanMasterson on Sun Oct 01, 2017 5:07 pm

Van allready went north with Kiria and sorgram and Isla to meet Stormwind in his keep and are there to cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war! *hears yapping* Damn chihuahuas.....
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