In Times of War

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Re: In Times of War

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:18 am

Stormbringer nods to himself and sends the letter to Ielenia for any reply. Such loyalty was no less than he expected but it was still useful to hear. It became so much easier to compile a list of those who didn't comply.

Following the upcoming war, those who held fiefdoms on behalf of the empire but who ignored his 'request' would be getting a visit to remind them of the ultimately tenuous nature of power and status.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Christine-Daae on Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:33 am

After the meeting and after she had arrived home and written down what notes she had mentally made, she would take out a fresh sheet of parchment and write out a letter to the Emperor.

Emperor Stormbringer,

As you know I am as always a loyal citizen and Noble of the lands, I shall be speaking with my troops to have them ready when the time comes that they are needed. I look forward to serving in any way that is needed, I have at least a dozen mounts trained and ready should they be needed by any of the troups, from the Imperial Guard to those of other Noble houses should they desire them. If you have need of anything else of my house, please do not hesitate to contact me and I shall do my best to answer it.

The Firebird

The parchment was folded and sealed with the mark of her house before sent off with the waiting fae.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:05 pm

The emperor also passes the latest letter to Ielenia. He doesn't really imagine the Guards need horses since they are mostly equipped with mephos and jhore, but no doubt others will.

He doesn't feel a need to reply directly or hear from every noble. Their loyalty would be assumed before and proved during, the war. Or not.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby MidniteFym on Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:13 pm

Naidra sat at her desk and drafted up a report for the emperor and a letter to Ielenia.

Emperor Stormbringer,
I wanted to inform you of our progress Dowjin, Twerlinger and Du`ghal will be offering training sessions and have posted times they will be available. Dowjin is currently looking for captains to keep the militia in check when they are not serving under the watchful eye of the Commander Ielenia. The horses have been delivered by Lady Daae and are currently being taken care of in the arena stables. We have had several people come interested in training and a few have come to offer their services as volunteers to be cart drivers, scouts and healers. Gwyneth has offered the serviced of the Healing House, I will add a list of other volunteers to this report. I have also contacted a seamstress to design a hood to help block out the sand storms the enemy likes to use in battle ( hood description...thin yet protective material with spider silk covering the eyes and mouth allowing the body temperature to keep it see through) Thank you again for your support and I will keep you up to date on our progress.

your loyal servant
Naidra the Reeve of Nanthalion.

attached is a list of volunteers and skills they offer
Kayla- scout/cart driver skilled in triage and first aid, hunting and trapping(available when not serving as guard to the lady Daae's house)
Irontail- hunter/trapper, cooking, scouting and leather working
Taurn- cart driver/scout, wood worker can fix cart wheels and such, has triage and first aid skills, hunting and trapping skills.
Gwyneth- Master healer. Skills in spying, scouting and much more
MorganDrakwing- Protector to the healers
Rose'Red- has offered a small riverboat for transporting people or goods
Isla- Seamstress is working on the design we came up with for the sand protection gear.

Commander Ielenia
I wanted to thank you for the horses you sent us Lady Daae delivered them just last night. I am also including a report to you of our progress with the militia I hope soon to have a list of names for you to call upon to help fill your ranks. Currently Dowjin, Twerlinger and Du`ghal will be offering training sessions and have posted times they will be available. Dowjin is currently looking for captains. I have also contacted a seamstress to design a hood to help block out the sand storms the enemy likes to use in battle ( hood description...thin yet protective material with spidersilk covering the eyes and mouth allowing the body temperature to keep it see through) can you please send me back a number of guards that could use this protection so I have have them sent to you when they are ready. we are also looking into a protective hood for horses as well i will keep you apprised of our progress.

Naidra the Reeve of Nanthalion
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Myra on Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:03 am

The silverwing had read the proclamation of war over and over as she sat at her desk of the SS, a store that was the emperors own and yet she thought of it as hers. She spent more and more of her time there, her focus upon magic and not only the study of her own but to broaden her skills into the enchantments, the potions, the need to understand the other spheres of magic even if she could not cast a single spell from them. She had grown in her abilities and though most did not know it, a force to be wraekened with if she was pushed to far.

A parchment would be pulled forth though as she thought about it. She would not put words into her employees mouth at all and so this was for her alone and those that she knew would follow her into battle at her side. She had those she trusted, those that she kept a close eye upon and vice versa and knew whom she would depend upon to stay right at her side when she needed them. It was all she could honestly offer the Emperor besides the use of her skills as a mage.. An Aeromancer and the strongest one in the empire.

Emperor Stormbringer,

In times of war, one can only think about what they are able to provide for services and while I wish I could offer more, I am not in any position to do more then to offer you the services of my skills and my loyalty. I will not put words into the mouths of my employees but I am almost willing to bet each one will have their own ways of showing support to these lands in the best way that they are capable of. As for me, I will offer that of which I am capable of as Manager of the SS and a skilled Aeromancer. If there is anything you need of my services and skills, you only need to ask.

Myra Evans
Sorcery Sanctum Manager

It wasn't an easy thing to give to him as she wasn't a noble, she wasn't anything but a manager of one of his stores but she had almost always supported the Emperor even if she didn't completely see eye to eye with all of his decisions.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Stormbringer on Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:49 pm

Stormbringer gives Myra the recognition of a personal reply of thanks for her offer. He also sends the original letter to Ielenia with a note attached.

Considering the reports about sandstorms and black clouds air mages may play a significant part in combatting them!
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Cangelosi on Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:21 pm

Another messenger in red approached the throne room, dispatch in hand, and a basket across her shoulder. She too bore the markings of the Saraphan Duchys of the Northern Marches. Some would notice that she looked the spitting image of the previous messenger from the north, who was previously rewarded quite generously before her return trip. Maybe it was intentional. She gave the basket to one of the IG commanders, and then gave him the communique:

To the Exalted Emperor and those who have the pleasure of His confidence,

It has been about a month since my last communication, so I believe I owe you an update about the "phantom campaign" against the Saraphan conspirators. You will find that my messenger has brought you a special present: the head of the head conspirator Duke Gontlet. You may thank my Ktetchalalan clan-sister Zada for this gift, which she brought to me a few days ago. Though I can say the main head of the hydra that is threatening the security of the Northern Marches has been cut off and cauterized, there are still a few minor heads that remain to be taken before my work in the region is completely done.

Considering resources had been limited, I have only been able to wage a guerrilla campaign against the rebel armies, managing to kill key figures in the conspiracy, but I believe the assassination of Gontlet (which I and my kin will take full responsibility for) has gained me enough time to return to Nanthalion to regain some resources and perhaps gain some legitimate support from the Imperials and perhaps the Vegans. My focus has always been to preserve the dignity my ancestral home has left, and these fools railing against the march of progress only threaten that. I am sure I can handle the situation before it spreads into Valencia.

I will probably come discuss the situation with you in person soon, but for now, I believe this girl will have to suffice for now. She is the twin sister of my previous messenger who had assisted me, and she is rather eager to sample some of the hospitality you showed to her sibling. It's amazing how some forms of enticement inspire such loyalty.

Ishtar and Syune watch over thee.

Your faithful servant,
Morgannus Drakewing
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Stormbringer on Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:18 pm

Several days later a reply reaches Morgannus but it is not carried by the original messenger. Instead it is handed over by an Imperial Guardsman who doesn't look at all amenable to 'hospitality' beyond food and drink preceding his return.


The head was rather a novel gift though I have to say it is somewhat degraded by time and its lack of attachment to a body. So your other gift... I assume that was the intention?... is rather more pleasantly received. I really do appreciate your thoughtfulness in splitting up a matched pair like that and the girl seems to have settled in well enough judging by her smile. If you ever feel the urge to reunite her with her sibling, I'm sure we can find the space to accomodate.

In the spirit of giving, I don't think you will find this messenger to be so cooperative as your own but perhaps more useful to you will be my permission for you to seek out Viceroy Kincade of Valencia and request such aid from the Vegans as he finds appropriate in securing that part of the empire.

Should you happen to have any more spare messengers around the place I have no doubt he would be pleaased to entertain them whilst considering how best to reply.

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Re: In Times of War

Postby Cleothina on Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:47 am

working with and possibly under a.. sylvan. War was indeed hell yet she would put that fine tip of the quill to parchment none the less

Commander of the Imperial Forces,
I do not know of how much the emperor has spoke of me, it matters little. What I require is a meeting. If one cannot be offered within the coming weeks then let me request touch parchment.
After Sutara's little remark at the meeting within the castle the thought of needing to cut into the enemies lands for deep scouting would not leave me. Therefor, with that thought in mind, I wish to take a group of your best scout's to the very edge of the empires territory and beyond. The mission will be simple but crucial - information. We will begin by scouting the edges of the territory for bandit's undoubtedly scouring an area that would be in such disarray.. they would know quite much about the happenings. Afterwords, the plan is simple - making our way into the land of the enemy and bringing back information in the flesh. I will speak with the drak lord of the Dark Tower to see if he can re-animate a corpse or soul in a way that we may force information from it. Beyond that it is imperative that we see how their camps are actually built before any attack can be made.
Contact me when possible.

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Re: In Times of War

Postby MidniteFym on Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:04 am

Naidra sat at her desk penning a message to the emperor after she had the good for the palace loaded into the wagon.

Emperor Stormbringer,
I have brought back the goods i promised from the south what might very well be the last shipment for a while. I have sent over the things I believe the palace could use and the coffee your darling Laerel made sure to request. I wanted to also send along this report of our encounter there. From the meeting point we could see the enemy and they have a large army as I am sure you know. We encountered a scout and one of their scorpion beasts while we were securing the goods. The Ksir carry spears tipped in a poison I believe to be the same poison that the huge scorpion beasts have in their stingers. This is a nasty poison it makes the skin clammy and feel cold even as the body rages with fever, it dilates the eyes, causing disorientation, intense nausea, and makes the limbs tremble and shake. Being stung with it myself I felt like my throat was closing and my mind was fogged. Dowjin also got stung during the scuffle and he had a seizure before I could heal him. I feel there might be further complications with this poison but i can only tell you what I witnessed or felt myself. I would recommend a high level healer be with the troops at all times should anyone be stung with this poison or effected by a poison dipped weapons of the enemy. I hope this information helps I will message with any new information I receive.

your loyal servant
Naidra the Reeve of Nanthalion

Sealing the message with her wax seal she would send it to the palace with someone she trusted to deliver the goods and her report.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Stormbringer on Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:05 pm

The letter from Naidra prompts three hastily written replies, all of which are consigned to Guards on fast horses to make sure they arrive quickly. The first to the Reeve, thanking her for the supplies but more importantly for the information gained and asking her to remain available for possible visitors. The second to the HH suggesting they should start research immediately on the effects of this poison and possible antidotes. And the third to Ielenia containing the letter itself so she can include the information as facets of strategic planning, along with a note about what the Emperor has acted upon.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby gwyneth{StWi} on Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:41 pm

Revered Emperor,
gwyneth will set herself and the healers to tackling this problem right away, in conjunction with the apothecary and silent embrace. It would be helpful if we could procure a sample of this poison to work with, if that is possible. In the interim to an herbal antidote, gwyn would suggest keeping healers on the front line with either cure poison or Waters of Purification. Master Tarin has been experimenting with keeping bespelled waters over a period of time, but so far their ability to cure poison seems to fade over a few hours, and gwyn would not recommend this method for a poison of such strength. A fresh infusion made with the Waters of Purification spell however can be used to cure poison of any strength we've so far discovered. she will send out a letter to the healers she knows to have such spells, to be ready to serve at Your order as will this girl herself be ready.

in service,
slave of Master StormWind
Assistant Manager of the Healer's Hall
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Re: In Times of War

Postby MidniteFym on Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:56 am

Naidra received the reply from the Emperor. she would be available. She penned a message to Gwyn about the effects of the poison as she knew then letting Gwyneth know that she was available should she wish to discuss the matter further and that she was actively trying to procure a sample of the venom.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby MidniteFym on Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:32 pm

Upon hearing back from Isla about the progress of the hoods she penned a message to the IG commander

Commander Ielenia,
With the help of Isla and Talaba we have designed hoods we feel will help offer protection from the sand storms. The hoods are made of spidersilk and Muslin cloth, the spidersilk covered the eyes and mouth while the rest is made of the thin yet protective muslin cloth. The first order of these (200) will be delivered to the IG headquarters very soon. I hope this helps offer protection The Belladonna was very generous to offer them for free to any solider that needed one. I have also talked to Ehlanna at the Naked bird and she is offering the same. I have to say I was very impressed with the way the shop owners are helping any way they can for the the empire.
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Re: In Times of War

Postby Ielenia on Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:15 am

The sylvan penned a reply back to the Naidra

I am glad to hear they seem to be working out and the first orders are being delivered. I shall see to it they are distributed among the guard. I think all who go south should look towards securing some for their troops.
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