Legends of Belariath

The Tribe of the Briar Mountains

Everyday Life and Society

The tribe consists of men, women, and children, as any other civilization would. Each has their own duties and jobs within the tribe to make things so as smoothly as they can for all. The men are the warriors, and as warriors protect the women and their families. There is one Elder Chief, who overlooks all tribe activities, punishes those who commit criminal activity, and only he can give the final word for war to begin.

At any given time, the tribe can include up to 200 adults, the children are looked after by the females of their houses. It is the women who are the teachers, gathers, and food providers. It is impossible to find a female warrior within the tribe, as all follow the way of the druid. Hunting is primarily the job of the man in the house, most are very proud to take their mate with them to hunt, wanting her at his side to assist in stalking the prey, and making the catch. Because of this, the women excel in the hunting of mountain buck, mountain goat, and the wolves that from time to time, plague the Tribes livestock. The women tend to be druids, and have their own techniques and special ways to grow vegetation, and keep it alive in the harsh winter temperatures.

Daily Living for the Single and Life Mated

Daily Living for the Single

Those that are single, and unbound by the tradition of life mating, are usually outcasts or those with poor and dishonored families. A family that is dishonored is barely any more respectable than one that was exiled. Though they are allowed to remain within the tribal lands, they are given none of the respect or freedom that other families enjoy from day to day. To be a single female past the age of 21 is a disgrace to the family, to reach beyond the age of 30 as a male without finding a life partner is just as horrible. Such persons are usually disowned to save the family's respect within the tribe so that any other females or males that are to come of age, are able to have a chance to do what was not done by their older brother or sister.

Daily Living for the Life Mated

Life mating is sacred, but by no means does it mean they must be completely faithful to one another. Their commitment to each other must be strong, and even though one or the other, and even maybe both may have small sexual flings on the side, it is with the complete understanding that they will always return home to one another at night, and that they are bound to each other until death will separate them. The female partner prides herself in her ability to keep her household neat, tidy, fed, and clean. She also takes great pride in her ability to please her husband as no other can. Most households consist of one or two slaves who make up for and complete whatever duties the female head of the home will not do, or is unable to. Rather than awaken his hardworking mate during the night for the simple act of sex, it is customary for the male to use one of his slaves, so that the life mate's sleep may be uninterrupted. The slaves are only thought of as tools, possessions of whoever owns them and pawns used for the relief of the one who chooses to use them. Most understand fully that they will never be anything more than this, not until the day they die or are freed. Though the two mates share the household duties equally as a husband and wife, most females will choose to be submissive to the one they have given their lives to, acting in this way only for his benefit and to no others, following his rule without question until the day they no longer walk this earth.

Location and Alliances

Also known as the Mir'thul amongst their own people, these particular Sheykans pride themselves in their arts, their accomplishments and the ability to fulfill and complete their goals. The Mir'thul are located within the northern icelands, and nestled in the eastern quarters of the Briar Mountain base, broken into a spattering of small communities and villages roughly separated by an hour's walk in any given direction. Several days of trekking and hard riding with the addition of many days of cold mountain climbing are some of what can be expected when visiting these lands. Those that are unprepared fall to the cold weather quickly. A good percentage of the year is spent shoveling the snow from the tribe lands, but all are used to the dangerously cold mountain weather, those that are not learn to move on to warmer lands. Climbing the mountains is the fastest way to reach the tribe, those that prefer not to must go around, which leaves them open to the wrath of the dark elves who live within the mountain range interior. They are very wary of any intruders or strangers, and are known to attack without warning. Any trespassers are brought kicking and screaming inside, never to be seen again by their friends or family.. unless it is on the slave markets. The Sheyka have a very unstable truce with the dark elves, one that can crumble at any moment given a reason however poor it may be. Both factions await the moment that they can once again go into war. To the west area of the mountain range, is a pack of mountain wolven with whom the Sheyka often trade and do other business with. Their alliance is a stronger one, that would take much wrongdoing to break. In time of war it can easily be expected that either side would assist the other to victory.


There are many celebrations within the tribal lands of the Briar Mountain Sheyka throughout the year, but the most notable ones are Celebration of Summer and the Ritual of Life Mating. The latter ceremony is always more serious than the first, as it is the union between man and mate and meant to last until their commitment is broken by death and death alone. The celebration of summer begins on the first day the snow begins to melt and the festivities last for several days, usually until the back stock in food is depleted and the need to hunt arises once more. (See Mir'Thul Celebrations for more Information, coming soon.)