Legends of Belariath

Torian Religion

Torian religion is somewhat of a dichotomy. While the two main deities of Torian belief, Sazera and Maedel, still exist--mostly in the forms of obscure prayers, oaths, and selective curses--the heart of Torian belief rests not upon the deities but upon three pairs of opposing forces that they believe to control all existence. The existence of Sazera and Maedel are not much more than myth and legend to the Torians at this point in time. (For more on Sazera and Maedel see the history section.)

The forces that dictate life, in Torian belief, are:

Luck - Luck is good fortune, a stream of favorable events. It is believed that when one does beneficial things and is true to one's Role, one has Luck. Note that "favorable" may not denote something "good", i.e. if a Torian's Role is to be a Destroyer, a favorable event would be a day when she kills many people.

Role - Role is, as explained earlier, one's station in life. This is what one is expected to do and what one should, by all means, do. Circumstance and/or attitude may cause deviation from one's Role.

Destiny - Destiny is the dreams and aspirations of a Torian, what one desires to do with her life. This may or may not have any bearing on the actual reality of matters.

Trouble - Trouble is the counterpart of Luck, a stream of unfavorable events. This results either from being unnecessarily cruel and/or untrue to one's Role. Note that "unfavorable" events may not denote something "bad", i.e. a thief may run into Trouble by having his pickpocket attempt noticed.

Path - Path is the counterpart of Role. While the Role is of utmost importance in Torian society, it is commonly acknowledged that there are times when one cannot abide constantly by her Role. In these times, one walks a Path--the way one must go in order to continue surviving--that may or may not stray from one's Role.

Fate - Fate is the counterpart of Destiny. While Destiny is what a Torian desires and wishes to do, Fate is what she is *ultimately* meant to do regardless of what she thinks. The happiest Torians are those whose Fate and Destiny and whose Role and Path are all aligned.


Rolebirths - Rolebirths have been described above in the entertainment section. They are placed here as well because a Rolebirth is really a two-part affair: the celebration on the outside for the friends, family, and relatives of the Torian to be Rolebirthed is a festival like any other while the ritual conducted by the Elder and the parents is a serious affair. During a Rolebirth, a Torian takes the traditional vows associated with her Role and swears herself to it upon her life. From that point on, she is officially recognized by the clan to be of a Role, allowed to participate in sexual forays and seek intimate companionships.

Dances - Dances are both a form of entertainment and prayer to the six forces of Torian life and the two deities above. After a bountiful harvest/hunt, there is usually a Dance to thank the forces for favoring them. After the survival of a particularly unpleasant event, the Elder may call for a Dance, a celebration not quite at festival levels but a celebration nonetheless. A Dance is an event where those with Roles--particularly the important ones, although the Elders, Council, and Storyweaver are typically excluded--take to the skies and fly in intricate patterns as both an act of relaxation and demonstration of skill.

Storyweaves - These treasured event are when, when a Storyweaver of the clan gathers those with and without Roles around to tell or perform a tale. It may be of a triumph and heroism in the clan's past. Or of a failure. It may the story of Toria, or a cautionary tale or parable. Perhaps stories of strange creatures or events or stories gathered from other clans.

The purpose of these Storyweaves are fourfold: One it helps the younger clan member s decide what they want their Roles to be and to begin guiding them down that path. Two it teaches the history of Torians to all clan members, and this common knowledge helps bind the clan together. Three, cautionary tales educate all as to the folly and wisdom of certain actions. Fourth, the stories help indoctrinate clan members into Torian lore’s and culture.

Trial - A Trial is a very infrequent and serious event within a clan. When a Trial is declared, the one being challenged can either accept or refuse; however, a refusal is considered a great insult to the challenger. Trials are declared when one is dissatisfied with some portion of the Clan's life; this usually stems from something not properly executed in the Council or with the Elder, or perhaps a rejection of one's Role. A Trial is first resolved through negotiation if possible; barring that, a duel of power is held between the two parties, with the victor settling the matter as she wishes.