Updates to the Website & MB

News from the admin relating to developments in the roleplay, changes to the web site, etc

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby L`aquera on Fri Jan 29, 2021 7:07 pm

This looks lovely. Thank you to those that made this happen!
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:04 pm

The new page for Desdaemona commands has been merged into the old, with some additions that were missed and suggested changes added. More tweaks, corrections and the like are due, but the page is now 'done for now.'
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Wed Feb 03, 2021 4:23 pm

Fear Aura updated to no longer state that it uses slots as it is an OOB spell and OOB spells only have one slot. Mechanics updated to (hopefully) be more understandable:

Fear Aura:
Level required: 10
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: While the spell is in effect, and the victim is affected, they are afraid of the caster and want nothing more then to get away from them as fast as they can.

Mechanics: A !ranmagatk versus !ranmagdef determines success. This spell can only be used on one person per cast. The fear effect lasts for one round for each time Necromancer has been taken. The spell effect ends if combat of any kind is initiated on the victim.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Thu Feb 11, 2021 1:21 am

Due to threats of legal actions from Kain, several pages have been reverted to remove work that, whilst being part of a collaborative effort, were predominantly his writing.

These pages are:

The pages that were least affected by this reversion are merfolk history and ogre religion, though there still are many substantial changes. Should you wish to double-check lore on such races please revisit the pages and read the write-ups that are considered the canon now. And as always, you may need to refresh the page to see changes.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby miyuka on Sat Mar 06, 2021 7:01 pm

The spell Mind over matter has been updated to have actual in combat mechanics
Mind over Matter:
Level required: 10
Class required: Bard, Mage, Magi, Entertainer
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Class restrictions: Bard, Mage, Magi, Entertainer, Nature . X3

If you've ever wished you could trick your enemy into believing they were somewhere else, now is the time to do it. The spell itself must be chanted/sung to come into existence, the words matter only in the creation of what you are trying to get your enemy to see. With but a simple sound of the casters singing voice, he can make a barren area appear to be a lush valley or perhaps the edge of a mountain. Now, this truly isn't real, but to the spell casters enemy, it is what he sees that matters, not what reality dictates. This spell is rather handy to confuse, and make one fear. Sometimes illusions hurt more than the reality we can touch.

MECHANICS: This spell takes two rounds to cast and is set free at the end of the second round, however if the spell is interrupted such as a successful hit against the caster the spell is lost and must be recast. A !ranmagatk versus a !ranmagdef by all opponents within 20 yards of the caster determines success. If the opponent(s) lose, they take a penalty of -10% to all combat rolls due to the confusion of where they are actually located. This spell only lasts so long as the caster continues to spend their turn chanting, and will linger for one turn when they finish. Will stack with other spells up to the maximum -50% penalty.

The spell Arcane Bindings updated for clarity between it's in combat and out of combat usage:

Arcane Bindings:
Level required: 15
Class required: Mage
Casting method: ranmagatk
Defending method: ranmagdef

Description: Mage X4:

The Mage conjures a mystical cuff to capture the wrist or ankle of their foe, weightless and harmless bonds of light or shadow which yank and tug against their hostile motions, even suspending a victim outright should enough limbs be captured.

:MECHANICS: In combat a standard !ranmagatk versus !ranmagdef is made, at standard cost. If successful a victim's limb is bound. Up to four bindings can be stacked on a single target at any one time. Any attack a bound target makes will suffer a -15% penalty after mods, which will stack with each additional binding for a total of -45% at 3 cuffs. If the caster does not spend a turn to cast another cuff, then all bindings disappear on the opponents following turn. Opponents can choose to attack with the appropriate negative modifiers, or they may choose to attempt to break free using an int versus int roll with the higher number being the winner, and the opponent completely breaking free of all bindings should they win. If a fourth cuff is successfully cast, combat ends and the caster must choose to either get away or follow the out of combat rules for this spell. Any attack against the victim of this spell causes the spell to end.

Out of combat this spell can be used, one cuff per turn until the victim is completely held down. OOC consent rules apply for actions involving sex. The in combat mechanics can be used for those wishing to resist this spell, using an int versus int roll to determine if the victim can break free. A victim that breaks free gets the first turn should combat be re-initiated.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Fri May 14, 2021 9:20 pm

A new page has been uploaded to the website. This page is primarily to help give information on how to submit creations to add to the game world or website and what is/is not appropriate.

The page can be found here: https://belariath.com/info/subInfo.html
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Mon May 17, 2021 10:07 pm

A quick little one:

All nymphs and the duessa pages now offer a height range for how tall the nature spirits in question should be. This information can be found in the appearance section for the specific nymph or in the opening blurb for those who lack an appearance section.

This is just filling in some missing information, no other changes should have been applied to the races in question.
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Sat May 22, 2021 10:54 pm

Upon request from REB management, the non-resident tax for Valencian properties have been reduced from 30% to 5%, Valencian residents still have a 30% discount when it comes to purchasing properties. This discount is for land purchases and not improvements. This information can be found here: https://belariath.com/valencia/vreb.html

The Body Arts now has its price list on the website. While one can navigate to it through the other BA pages, a direct link to it can be found on the site map (here: https://belariath.com/info/sitemap.html), or this link here: https://www.belariath.com/php/shop/ba.php
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Thu May 19, 2022 2:02 am

Warrior mage has been updated, (dis)advantages have been reworked, races that were unable to take the mage class such as ogre have been removed from the list and they can finally use two-handed weapons and shields!

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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Tue Aug 23, 2022 1:28 am

Done a month or so ago and forgot to post the update here.

Pixies/nixies race write-up had been updated. Look up the race page here to read up on them: https://belariath.com/races/pixnix/intro.html
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Re: Updates to the Website & MB

Postby Naomh on Sat Nov 16, 2024 9:15 pm

Pages that end with .php had ended up breaking on the site. While the reason for the break is known the reason why it suddenly decided to break is not, guess is server host shuffled files around on us. Either way I am currently working through and applying band aid, bubblegum, duct tape and hopes and dreams to fix our broken pages.

Pages that have been patched:

  • Pages in the character section of the website, so Character creation, editing, and searches:https://belariath.com/characters.html - Please note that while I have tested the pages personally with my own characters it would be wise to make a backup copy of your character before saving any edits or submitting new characters as a just in case. If an error or issue arises, or changes fail to apply, please let me know.
  • Shop price listings: If there are any other pages not working correctly, let me know.
  • Spell spheres, including SS enchantments.
  • Arms, armour and SI pages.
  • Slave listings
  • Shop Employee listings

This should complete the list of broken php pages. If you have any pages that are not loading correctly, even after a refresh, please let me know.
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